Cookies list

As I do not wish to retain any cookies is it possible to erase the contents of the cookies list?

Just don't move anything over to the right hand pane

and make sure both the browser's cookies and Adobe Flash are checked off

Thank you. I have done as you suggest but the list of cookies is still there. Is there something else I should be doing to erase the existing list?

Do you know in which file this cookie list is stored?

Thank you. I have done as you suggest but the list of cookies is still there. Is there something else I should be doing to erase the existing list?

Do you know in which file this cookie list is stored?

I have just noticed this as well...I deleted a whole bunch of cookies about several hours was weird, because when I looked at OPTIONS/COOKIES to see if there were any cookies I wanted to keep, I saw a whole bunch of cookies to sites I haven't been to since my last cleaning of cookies. For the hell of it, I cleaned all the cookies and I checked a few hours later and saw about 100 cookies of sites I KNOW I have not visited in the last few hours.

What could be going on? Are cookies automatically putting themselves back on my PC or is CCleaner not working right?

Windows 7 64 bit

IE 8 32-bit

CCleaner 2.34.12

the list should be cleared at next reboot (the index.dat will delete and clear)

If not check your cookies folder to be sure that the phyiscal cookies are/aren't still there.

Are these Internet Explorer cookies? Firefox Cookies?

the list should be cleared at next reboot (the index.dat will delete and clear)

If not check your cookies folder to be sure that the phyiscal cookies are/aren't still there.

Are these Internet Explorer cookies? Firefox Cookies?

This has just started in ver 234.12. I noticed the same instances, In past versions the cookies were always gone upon re-boot necessary so I assumed that there is a bug in new version. I therefore reverted back to 233.1184 and the cookies are gone. I guess we'll have to await another re-version like 234.1201 to correct this. The reboot didnot do it in 234.12. That's whay I reverted.

Win XP Pro-SP3

was 234.1200

Now 233.1184

All cookies, IE and FF

This has just started in ver 234.12. I noticed the same instances, In past versions the cookies were always gone upon re-boot necessary so I assumed that there is a bug in new version. I therefore reverted back to 233.1184 and the cookies are gone. I guess we'll have to await another re-version like 234.1201 to correct this. The reboot didnot do it in 234.12. That's whay I reverted.

Win XP Pro-SP3

was 234.1200

Now 233.1184

All cookies, IE and FF

I have nearly the same problem with cookie-cleaning in CCleaner v2.34.1200 !!

My Computer runs XP-SP3 (32-bit) with a dual-boot-configuration (one on Drive D:, the other on Drive G:).

On both Partitions the same SW is installed, so each servs as a quick emergency backup when the 2nd Partition does not start...

I regulary backup both system partitions using Acronis TrueImage - at least monthly, sometimes more frequently.

CCleaner (and the rest of Piriform's Progs) reside on an USB-Stick, all are "portable" .zip versions without installer.

Currently i use 2 Browers: IE8 and Chrome (newest Version "6.0.472.0 (Official Build 53024) dev".

For both browsers i defined in CCleaner/Options/Cookies

(a) about 5-10 cookies to KEEP, and

(B) all other cookies should be DELETED

whenever i run "CCleaner.exe /AUTO".

With these settings for CCleaner 2.34.1200 (a) still works as expected -

but (B) does _not_ work for this version of CCleaner

while older versions of CCleaner were OK with (B).

More exactly the following happened after i opened CCleaner 2.34.1200 the first time:

1. Under "CCleaner/Options/Cookies/Cookies to delete" i found these 3 entries -

I do remember that i have visited these sites, but months (zattoo) rsp, years (branchenbuch, catalog) ago!

But CCleaner 2.33.1184 ( and earlier) did _never_ show these entries, so obviously CCleaner has now a better

detection method for existing cookies: Good so far...

2. Since my CCleaner is configured with "[v] Cookies" and "[v] Index.dat files" under "Internet Explorer"

and with "[v] Cookies" and "[v] Internet Cache" under "Google Chrome"

I expected that the 3 entries (above under "1.") would disappear at least after rebooting:

FAIL - They still exist, even today after many retries!

3. My Problem now is: I can _not_ find the folder(s) wherein these 3 unwanted cookies reside,

so i can not try to delete them manually by some method like "renaming and reboot" (google for such solutions).

And worse: CCleaner does not offer an option "open containing folder" for found cookies

as it does for _other_ found objects to be deleted - SHOULD be added by CCleaner for cookies also !!

4. CCleaner also has _sometimes_ another problem since v2.33.1184 when it _does_ offer "open containing folder" -

In these cases it displays _shortly_ a message like "can not open /select" (or similar),

then it does _not_ open the folder, but it finally _does_ delete the object (e.g. a .log file).

When this occurs the next time, i will try make a screenshot of this odd message and post it here.

Hoping that others can report similar problems so CCleaner feels the need to publish a better version.




Please, go to the Cookies screen and click on one of the cookies you want to delete.

Let us know what is the browser icon displayed next to the cookie name at the bottom of the screen.



I've had the same issue with regard to the cookies not deleted. Seems the problem began with the 2.34.12 update. I now have four cookies, all IE cookies that will not go away. Windows 7. IE 8.

Hello MrT - Official Bug Fixer!

Assuming your posting relates to my first posting here at Piriform (just above your posting)

my answer for my _all_ 3 problem cookies is:

It is the icon of my _IE8_ (latest Version), _not_ of FF (i don't use) and _not of my G-Chrome!

Can you give me with this information _further_ advice how to get rid of my 3 unwanted cookies?

thanx in advance -



Update: I corrected my name displayed here in the forum.


Can you please post the cookies you can't delete? So we can try to navigate to their site and create the same problem.


Can you please let us know the files present in the results when you analyze IE->Cookies in the Cleaner screen?




Can you please post the cookies you can't delete? So we can try to navigate to their site and create the same problem.


Can you please let us know the files present in the results when you analyze IE->Cookies in the Cleaner screen?


Hi MrT,

i attached file "My CCleaner Cookies created by IE8 on Drive D.png",

hoping it is good enough and shows the file names you want to know!


My 2. Partiton "G:" does not have this cookie problem so far,

maybe because i worked on 1. Partition "D:" at the time i received the 3 unwanted cookies.



The four undeleted cookies are:,,,

Hi Pirat,

I meant a snapshot of the Cleaner screen.

1 - Go to Cleaner Screen - the one you use to clean your machine

2 - right-click "Cookies" under tab Windows and section Internet Explorer

3 - Select "Analyze"

4 - Let us know the results of that screen - we are interested in the files listed

You can always use Internet Explorer's Delete Browsing History once to delete these cookies, but please keep in mind that you will lose all your Internet Explorer cookies.

Hi Pirat,

I meant a snapshot of the Cleaner screen.

1 - Go to Cleaner Screen - the one you use to clean your machine

2 - right-click "Cookies" under tab Windows and section Internet Explorer

3 - Select "Analyze"

4 - Let us know the results of that screen - we are interested in the files listed

You can always use Internet Explorer's Delete Browsing History once to delete these cookies, but please keep in mind that you will lose all your Internet Explorer cookies.

In the CCleaner's Main Window under "CCleaner/Windows/Internet Explorer"

i right-click the checked item "[v] Cookies" and then i see a contxt-menu

containing these 3 items:



Restore default state

When left-click in this context-menu the item "Analyze"

then i see just 1 entry consisting of

an IE8-Icon followed by the complete File-Path

named "F:\Temp_D_\David\Cookies\david@real[1].txt"

"david@real[1].txt" is the original cookie

set by my RealPlayerSP (latest version)

to easier track what i am doing with the RP-SP...

This an _unwanted_ cookie and this cookie can and will be

deleted by CCleaner whenever i run "CCleaner.exe /AUTO" -

But this procedure must be _repeated_ from time to time,

since RP-SP _re-creates_ the cookie at unpredictable times...

Reason for the Path "F:\Temp_D_\David\Cookies\" *before* the cookie-file:

I *redirected* by changing 5 right-side entries in the Registry-Key

[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]

to point to non-standard Paths:

Cache (aka TIF-Files)





Especially i changed the default cookies-path on my 1. SystemDrive "D:" from

"D:\Documents and Settings\David\Cookies" to

"F:\Temp_D_\David\Cookies\" !!

Similary on my 2. SystemDrive "G:" the cookies-path went from

"G:\Documents and Settings\Goofy\Cookies" to

"C:\Temp_G_\Goofy\Cookies\" !!

This method of redirecting certain folders is well documented,

(e.g. in Microsoft's "TweakUI" offering 16 Redirections).

My defined Redirections _do_ work on my PC since about 9 years

and they have many advantages being now _outside_ my SystemDrives:

Faster Defragmentions (PerfectDisk7) and smaller Backups (TrueImage7)

of the SystemDrives that contain the most complex structures on my PC...

Hope you now have the answer you asked for

Thank you


In the CCleaner's Main Window under "CCleaner/Windows/Internet Explorer"

i right-click the checked item "[v] Cookies" and then i see a contxt-menu

containing these 3 items:



Restore default state

When left-click in this context-menu the item "Analyze"

then i see just 1 entry consisting of

an IE8-Icon followed by the complete File-Path

named "F:\Temp_D_\David\Cookies\david@real[1].txt"

"david@real[1].txt" is the original cookie

set by my RealPlayerSP (latest version)

to easier track what i am doing with the RP-SP...

This an _unwanted_ cookie and this cookie can and will be

deleted by CCleaner whenever i run "CCleaner.exe /AUTO" -

But this procedure must be _repeated_ from time to time,

since RP-SP _re-creates_ the cookie at unpredictable times...

Reason for the Path "F:\Temp_D_\David\Cookies\" *before* the cookie-file:

I *redirected* by changing 5 right-side entries in the Registry-Key

[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]

to point to non-standard Paths:

Cache (aka TIF-Files)





Especially i changed the default cookies-path on my 1. SystemDrive "D:" from

"D:\Documents and Settings\David\Cookies" to

"F:\Temp_D_\David\Cookies\" !!

Similary on my 2. SystemDrive "G:" the cookies-path went from

"G:\Documents and Settings\Goofy\Cookies" to

"C:\Temp_G_\Goofy\Cookies\" !!

This method of redirecting certain folders is well documented,

(e.g. in Microsoft's "TweakUI" offering 16 Redirections).

My defined Redirections _do_ work on my PC since about 9 years

and they have many advantages being now _outside_ my SystemDrives:

Faster Defragmentions (PerfectDisk7) and smaller Backups (TrueImage7)

of the SystemDrives that contain the most complex structures on my PC...

Hope you now have the answer you asked for

Thank you


Hello MrT !

I gave you a detailed answer to your question, see my quote in this posting.

But i got so far no reaction from you, giving me further advice to solve my cookie problem!

Could you please delete my posting #14 -

I made a mistake when i created it, so it actually contains _nothing_ after the quote.

Thank You


Hi Pirat

I am inclined to say that your index.dat file and cookie cache are not synchronized.

Would you be able to PM me your index.dat file located in the your "F:\Temp_D_\David\Cookies\"?

Can you also PM me the index.dat file located under this folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore

Once we look into them we will be able to suggest you a solution.


Similar problem here too.

Cookies listed in the delete column are still there after a clean

I'm using Opera 10.60 and have some cookies that I want to keep and they are there, but unlike the previous version of ccleaner, the unwanted cookies stay listed even though I deleted the history and cookies in internet options.

I even rebooted and they are still there.

xp home sp3


I think this is definitely a version problem. Version 2.33 works flawlessly.


Any new info on this?

Just to clarify, in version 2.34, cookies in the 'to be deleted' column remain after a scan and clean. In version 2.33 they are gone after a scan and clean.

I use Opera 10.6 and in Opera, you can decide which cookies to keep and they stay in the 'to be deleted column' in ccleaner which is like it always has been.

Version 2.34 of ccleaner is different.

Just wondering...