Cookies Basic Questions

I just downloaded the program. I am not sure I even want to run it, even tho people have said it is great. I have a 4 year old XP, that is ok as far as speed goes. I do not want to lose most of the cookies, I want to keep certain auto login info for many sites.

I read on here that you can excluded cookies (permanantly) from cleaner, Is that done in a step after hitting the "run cleaner" button. i am afraid once i hit run cleaner, they will all be deleted. I would think it time consuming to remember which cookies you want to keep, and prone to mistakes.

Any suggestions? Thanks

Hi Harlan, it's simple to do, and once done that's it.

After logging on to the sites in question, close them down again, open CCleaner and go to "Options\Cookies" and look for the cookies relevant to those sites in the "Cookies To Delete" window, and move them across to the "Cookies To Keep" window.

If not there, they could be "Flash Cookies", or .sol files, which are kept usually in the following locations:

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\EJR7ZWV7


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\support\flashplayer\sys

Note, the bold highlighted number is a salted number, and will differ on your PC.

If here, you can add these locations to "CCleaner\Options\Exclude", and add folder, or file.

Alternatively, you could uncheck the cookies box for whichever browser you use, and you may also have to uncheck the Adobe Flash and Macromedia boxes as well. This isn't the best way as you are leaving a lot of cookies on your PC to save only a few.

Hope this helps.

Is that done in a step after hitting the "run cleaner" button. i am afraid once i hit run cleaner, they will all be deleted. I would think it time consuming to remember which cookies you want to keep, and prone to mistakes.

Good thing you asked and welcome to the forum :)

No the step is done BEFORE you hit clean

1 open the program

2 Go to Options in the Buttons on the left

3 Click the Cookies Button

You see a (i would guess) GIANT LONG list of cookies on the left column and noe on the right

4 Go through this list and find the Logins you want to keep

Select the one(s) you want to keep by Clicking on them either individually or in batches (press/hold the CTRL key and click each one)

and press the button in the Middle with the right pointing arrow.

5 Next go to the Cleaner Section

6 Uncheck index.dat (this checkmark has caused some issues for some users in keeping their sign-ins)

You'll also see that there are a lot of cookies (in step three) that you don't need many of these may have the site you use (i.e. piriform) but are followed by something like "" these are advertising cookies and will not effect your logging into the site.

More info on that Here

Here is a link to the useful Beginner's Guide for CCleaner

And the only things to really worry about with the cleaner section is the Advanced Section (default off)

Registry Section is a different animal but we can get to that later in another post

Also Don't forget that CCleaner will only clean the current users account (so if you share a computer, the other people's cookies are safe)

Thanks :wub:

The New Nicer Nergal


Welcome harlan8

Many of the tracking cookies plus blocking of malware sites can be prevented by the use of a HOSTS file.

I use hpHosts and MVPS HOSTS files: <== has a good description of the HOSTS file and its use

I manage them with HostsMan and I use its HostsServer proxy to speed up browsing:

Thanks :wub:

The New Nicer Nergal


Nergal, I'm impressed :)

Thanks All. I think I am gonna pass on using the program. I deleted all my IE addresses by mistake, including this one. I can live with the cookies I guess, and afraid to mess with the registry. While I have a few problems, probably how different programs interface with each other, it is not slow.

Go with your instincts Harlan, but you know where we are if you need any further help or advice.