cookie removal

I have this problem with CCleaner. When I try to login to my bank account, if cookies have been removed, they require me to phone them for a security code before I can get in. When I do that I then register my computer with them so I can get in in the future without the code. I use CCleaner to remove cookies except for the bank's cookie. So I ran a test today. I signed in to the bank, no problem. I ran CCleaner with no cookie removal checked. I signed in to the bank, no problem. I ran CCleaner telling it to only remove cookies from Chrome (the browser I use to get in to the bank), then tried to login to the bank again. They wanted the code to let me in. Obviously CCleaner is removing the bank's cookie even though it has been told not to. Can anyone tell me what is going on and how to correct it? If it matters, I'm running Win10 on a Dell Inspiron PC.

Sounds like there's another cookie you need to move to the cookies to keep side of the cookies option. Try this

1: clean cookies.

2: Immediately go to bank site and only bank site.

3: immediately close chrome then open ccleaner

4: go to the cookies option. See if there's anything in the cookies to delete side. My guess is a flash cookie with an strange name like

Did the bank say that the code is saved as a cookie?

If so you could try asking them for the name of the cookie you need to exclude.

From what you say then it does sound like a cookie but I would also try unchecking 'Saved passwords' and 'Saved form information' for the browser that you use (Chrome).

(Sometimes what you think is being saved as a cookie or password is actually being saved as a form entry).

And just to note that if it is being saved as a password/form entry then a lot of banks and other websites dealing with financial transactions are now coded not to accept auto-fill of saved passwords/codes, you are forced to type then in each time you visit.

It's a security measure. If your device is ever lost or stolen then whoever 'finds' it does not have your password/code entered automatically.

Maybe I am reading this wrongly, but quoting from your first post:

" . . . I ran CCleaner <strong><em>telling it to only remove cookies from Chrome</em> </strong>(the browser I use to get in to the bank), then tried to login to the bank again. They wanted the code to let me in. Obviously <em><strong>CCleaner is removing the bank's cookie even though it has been told not to</strong></em> . . . ". 

It reads as if you told ccleaner to remove cookies from chrome, the browser you use for the bank.

In any case, good for the bank, they seem to be watching after you. Also, fwiw, some banks have the option to send a code to a prearranged email account or a text to a prearranged phone. That is very handy. You might ask if they have that.

The bank will ask for a code (obtained from them) if their cookie is removed and/or the computer I'm using is not registered with them. When I give them the code I also register my computer with them even though it is the same computer I've been using for over 5 years. When I have CCleaner remove the cookies I specify that it should not touch the bank cookie. In spite of all that I need a code every time I login to the bank. In my opinion this whole code business is totally unnecessary. I will always be using the same computer. No one but me will be using this computer. I am using a PC not a portable laptop so I will never be carrying my computer with me. I don't have a smartphone to use to login with. I have followed all the bank's rules and still they won't let me in without a code EVERY time I log in after running CCleaner. A valid userid and password should be their only requirement.

Again I would ask the bank just what you need to make as an exclusion in CCleaner.

They will have come across this before and should know what they are putting there that needs to be excluded from cleaners.

Just to make sure, you are not also running the registry cleaner are you?

They may be making a new registry entry that CC will not recognise and so will remove.