Cookie Confusion

I've been using Ccleaner for 2 or 3 weeks, and I'm encountering a cookie issue that baffles me. Can someone please help? I'm using XP and IE6.

The problem is arising when I use the 'Options' section in order to register some cookies as the ones I want to protect from cleaning. The list of cookies that's presented is not the same (it's much shorter) than the list I see when I use the 'Analyse' tab in the cleaning section. Not all the cookies are listed, including some of those that I want to protect. So, of course, I can't protect them.

For example, the Google cookie that saves my Google preferences isn't present in the list of cookies available for protection, even though I can see it listed when I analyse cookies in the cleaning section.

It's frustrating - because I can protect some cookies, but not others - and the only way I can find my way round the problem is to use Ultra Win Cleaner for cookie removal, because it doesn't have this problem. Can anyone help, please?

Hello Alan D and welcome to the forum. :)

Just to clear up exactly what you mean, are you going into the cookie options in ccleaner, clicking (highlighting) a cookie you want to keep in the left hand column and pressing the arrow in the middle to send it over to the righthand column where it will be saved as one you want to keep?

Hello, and thank you.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. Except that I can't move across the cookies that it doesn't list in the left hand column, but which I know ought to be there.


Another rather obvious question! Have you visited a site that you want to keep the cookie for, and then checked to see if it's appeared in the left hand list of cookies before you clean?

Oh yes. I visit Google far more often than I clean, but the cookie never appears as an item offering itself for protection under 'options'. Only as an item to be deleted when 'analysed' in the cleaner section.

For example, having done no cleaning, just now there are 50 cookies listed as present after using 'analyse'; but only 14 cookies available for protection under 'options'.

Actually, Hazel, I think I may have fixed it - or at least persuaded it to fix itself - though I haven't a clue why. I cleaned out all the cookies, then went around and visited the websites that had caused problems, and suddenly - there were the missing cookies, presenting themselves for protection.

My theory is that Ccleaner knew you were on the case, and decided to cooperate.

A couple of possible causes/solutions:

1. Sometimes, a cookie that existed before the last install/update of CCleaner won't show in the left-hand column. You can sometimes correct this by deleting the existing cookie and going to the website to create a fresh one. It may then appear on the list and can be selected to the right-hand colulmn.

2. Are the cookies in question incrementally numbered cookies? You can't see this in the CCleaner lists but it shows up in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Cookies. Some websites create a new cookie each time there's the slightest change and alternate version numbers, e.g.,[1].txt then[2].txt then[1].txt. I have found some sites that rotate through 1 to 3 for no apparent reason. It's been a while since I checked but CCleaner seemed unable to handle that situation so I use another cleaner that can manage it.

1. Sometimes, a cookie that existed before the last install/update of CCleaner won't show in the left-hand column. You can sometimes correct this by deleting the existing cookie and going to the website to create a fresh one. It may then appear on the list and can be selected to the right-hand colulmn.

Thanks. That seems to be something like what I've done, and so far it seems to have worked.

2. Are the cookies in question incrementally numbered cookies?

Well, all the cookies in the folder end in either [1] or [2]. I'm not sure I can deduce anything from that.

Well, all the cookies in the folder end in either [1] or [2]. I'm not sure I can deduce anything from that.
Take a screenshot or make note of the name/number. If you have another problem, check to see if any numbers have flipped.

Yeah, I have this problem too and it is kind of frustrating. I have deleted all the cookies and started over saving them but this one cookie isn't showing what ever I do.


First picture is from Mozilla Firefox Cookies List


second picture is from CCleaner Cookies List

Notice this "" -cookie isn't showing in the list in CCleaner.





Is there any final solution for this issue? I have had this problem with Google through numerous updates, and have given up using CCleaner for cleaning cookies and am using one of my other utilites (one that I don't like as much).

A couple of possible causes/solutions:

1. Sometimes, a cookie that existed before the last install/update of CCleaner won't show in the left-hand column. You can sometimes correct this by deleting the existing cookie and going to the website to create a fresh one. It may then appear on the list and can be selected to the right-hand colulmn.

2. Are the cookies in question incrementally numbered cookies? You can't see this in the CCleaner lists but it shows up in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Cookies. Some websites create a new cookie each time there's the slightest change and alternate version numbers, e.g.,[1].txt then[2].txt then[1].txt. I have found some sites that rotate through 1 to 3 for no apparent reason. It's been a while since I checked but CCleaner seemed unable to handle that situation so I use another cleaner that can manage it.