Converting flv files to watch on a DVD player?

Does anyone know of a way to convert flv files (Flash) to play on a DVD player?


I tried doing this a while back Robbie, but I had to convert to another format before converting to DVD to get decent results. Didn't go into it too much.

Format Factory is worth a look. It's a jack of all trades, and can convert FLV to AVI, VOB, MPG etc. A good all round converter, which comes with all needed codecs.

Format Factory:

Cheers Dennis, I'll have a look at that program.

To add to Dennis' suggestion, you can use Any Video Converter to convert the .flv file to a movie file format like .wmv,.avi,.mpg and burn it to a DVD that way.

Let me know if you have any questions, I've used AVC a few times.


Thanks Keith. I'll have a look at that program too.