Control Panel Icons Missing

I would like to know what happened to the icons in my Control Panel, they were all showing until I ran CCleaner now the only icon in there is Display.

Could CCleaner have changed me from Administrative to a regular user, if so how do I change it back. I have already reversed the registry backup with no effect.

Wtf, every time I try one of these types of programs my computer ends up not right, it really would be nice if someone could design a program like this that doesn't end up screwing my computer over.

Would someone have any idea of how to fix this mess, I would really appreciate some help.

Thank You

welcome to the CC forums :)

take a look at #28 and #256 :D

not sure how Ccleaner could have done this, this is the first time ive heard about it.

Thank you for the suggestions but neither one worked.

With the first one I went to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load, where according to the instructions the missing icons were supposed to appear in the right pane only they were not there for me to recover.

The second suggestion led me to a download that was supposed to restore the registry so the icons would appear back in the control panel, but that did not work either.

So now I am open to any more ideas, thanks for trying.

Thank you for the suggestions but neither one worked.

With the first one I went to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load, where according to the instructions the missing icons were supposed to appear in the right pane only they were not there for me to recover.

The second suggestion led me to a download that was supposed to restore the registry so the icons would appear back in the control panel, but that did not work either.

So now I am open to any more ideas, thanks for trying.

Have you tried a system restore point? As far as I know CCleaner doesn't touch anything that could have caused this, did you use anything else around the same time?

Have you tried a system restore point? As far as I know CCleaner doesn't touch anything that could have caused this, did you use anything else around the same time?

Yes I tried System Restore, unfortunetly this is one feature of Windows XP that has never worked on my computer. Don't ask me why it doesn't, it just doesn't. Before you ask, yes it is turned on and no, I didn't use any other programs between the time I used CCleaner and the icons disappeared, that's why I said CCleaner caused it. If I sound a tad frustated it's because I am. Look's like my last resort is going to be a "Repair Installation", hope that doesn't screw something else up.

go to start>run, type in "sfc /scannow" without the quotes.

that may ask you to insert your windows disk and it may repair those icons.

go to start>run, type in "sfc /scannow" without the quotes.

that may ask you to insert your windows disk and it may repair those icons.

I did as you suggested, it took about 45 minutes to do all the checking, the end result is that it did not replace the icons. It was a good try and I had my fingers crossed the whole time but I am still open to any more ideas.

By the way, I finally got the System Restore to work, I didn't know I had to be in Safe Mode for it to do it's thing, I guess my machine is kind of picky that way. I tried running SR three times in normal mode with no good results but I ran it one time in Safe Mode and it worked perfectly, well except for the fact that it didn't restore the icons.

I really do appreciate all the ideas everyone is coming up with to help me out and I am not giving up yet as long as you don't.

Thank You,


could you possible post a screenshot?



I hope this is what you were wanting an image of, I couldn't think of anything else you would want although I don't know of what help this can be.

thanks, thats what i was asking for.

od they show up if you switch to category view?

if not, go to start>run, and type this in without the quotes.

"rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_FillCache_RunDLL" IT IS CASE SENSITIVE!

after you do that, reboot.

if that still doesnt get them to show, try typing one of the following into run and tell me what you get:

Accessibility Options


Add/Remove Programs














This is what I get when I click on an item in category view, not all the items just most of them. The ones that don't open this window end up opening the window just like clicking on the icon.


When I click Run > sysdm.cpl, ncpa.cpl, odbccp32.cpl, etc. the window for that item opens just as if I were clicking on the icon. Just to save a little time, I have system administrator rights, that's part of the reason the above image makes no sense. Eveything is as it should be except the icons are missing. I have tried going into Windows > System > sysdm.cpl, ncpa.cpl, etc. and creating shortcuts to each item and then tried to put the shortcuts into the control panel but they won't take.

can you create a new user for me and see if they show on there?

give the new user admin rights.

start>run>Nusrmgr.cpl to do this.

also found this on it.

you are running XP home, right?

try this,

regedit /e 1.txt "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer"regedit /e 2.txt "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer"copy 1.txt + 2.txt = result.txtdel /q 1.txtdel /q 2.txtnotepad result.txtdel /q result.txt

copy/paste the above into notepad then save it as checker.bat

run it and post back what you get in the notepad that pops up. :)

I know how to copy/paste into Notepad but how do you save it into a .bat file and then run it, the only type of file I can see to save it into is a .txt file.

You are starting to get way over my head with some of this, when it comes to this stuff you can call me Forrest Gump.

To answer the question you had lined out, yes I am running Windows XP Home Edition.

I am going to be away from my computer for three or four hours but I will check back in later tonight, so If you can think of anything else you want me to do later be sure to spell it out very carefully.

Once again, I greatly appreciate all the help you have been giving me with this problem, I know there are probably other things you would rather be doing.



One more thing before I go. I created a new user account and gave it admin. rights like you had written about and then scratched out. The end result is when I opened the control panel in this new account the icons were all there to be seen in their glory.

I hope this helps you in some way.


I know how to copy/paste into Notepad but how do you save it into a .bat file and then run it, the only type of file I can see to save it into is a .txt file.

To save a document from Notepad as a filetype other than TXT:

  • File

  • Save as...

  • Save as type: All Files

  • File name: anything.bat

That will save it as a BAT file.

Regarding your missing Control Panel entries, have a look at this article to reset your security settings.

It is also a good idea to check your computer for possible malware; do you have antivirus/anti-malware installed? There must be a reason that your Control Panel has changed (and it was not by CCleaner).


here is what came up in Notepad after running what you asked for:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00














Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



thank you for explaining about saving to a .bat files. And to answer your question about AntiVirus software, yes I do have Norton Internet Security which I make it a habit of running a full system scan every two or three days with my antivirus profiles being updated daily. One of the first things I did after this happened was to run a full system scan, and the reason I said it was CCleaner is as I said before, right after using CCleaner is when I noticed this problem. I put 2+2 together and came up with CCleaner, I don't know if this is right or wrong but that's what I came up with. I do know from past experience (you would think I'd learn) that when you start deleting files from the regisrty things like this are possible.

I will take a look at the article you sent the link too and there we are again, I know I didn't make any changes to my security settings. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to argue with you all I am doing is following the trail backwards. Thank you non the less.

ok, something has changed your settings.

could be a virus, could be someone playing a prank on you.

non the less, lets fix it.

go back to notepad and enter the following in.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]"NoControlPanel"=-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]"RestrictCpl"=-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\RestrictCpl]"desk.cpl"=-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\RestrictCpl]"1"=-

unlike before, save this one as regfix.reg

as you can see in your last post, theres a key restricting icons from the control panel.

try running the above, reboot, and see if that solved the problem.

if not, please run the below again and let me know what you come up with. :)

regedit /e 1.txt "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer"regedit /e 2.txt "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer"copy 1.txt + 2.txt = result.txtdel /q 1.txtdel /q 2.txtnotepad result.txtdel /q result.txt

Damn, you are a miracle worker. All the icons are back in there place and shining like brand new.

I take it this is the line you were talking about that showed the problem:



The main thing I don't understand is how this could have happened if it wasn't done by CCleaner, I run Norton on a regular basis, there is no one else who has access to my computer besides my dog (she's smart, but not that smart) and if it came in some attachment somehow wouldn't Norton have picked up on it when it scans my mail or wouldn't it still be showing as a virus or worm or whatever when I do a full system scan? Do you see why I think it is CCleaner that did it, I just don't see how it could be anything else. I promise though that if I find it was done some other way I will come back and post my findings in this same thread, I don't want to be accusing some program if it wasn't the cause.

I will admit that I have been receiving a lot of .dat and a couple of .doc files from friends in the last few days but like I said earlier I would think Norton would have found any problems and I still have all those files so the system scan should have picked up on it.

I have one more thing to ask if you don't mind a great deal, how do I go about deleting the second user account I created to see if the icons would appear there?

I have to say thank you one more time for all the help you have given me, there is no way I would have ever found out what the problem was let alone being able to correct it. You have my utmost gratitude. I was just about to the point where I was going to call DELL and get some money's worth out of that expensive contract it bought from them, but oh how I hate sitting on the phone with them.


To delete the second user account you can go to Control Panel and double click on User Accounts and delete from there.

Assuming you can see the icon, lol. [sorry]