Constant Crashing on Multiple Machines

When I run either df.exe or defraggler.exe the programs crash after a long run. I've tried this on multiple machines and platforms (Win2k, XP, Vista) and each time after running for about 2 hours it will crash for no reason. (I have attached a screenshot of one of the crashes).

Can someone please walk me through retreiving the log and getting this resolved? Thanks.




Any chance you could run defraggler in debug mode, reproduce the crash, and attach the log in a post?

Any chance you could run defraggler in debug mode, reproduce the crash, and attach the log in a post?

I will do as you request. How much of a performance hit do I take in regards to defragging the system by turning the debugging mode on? Can I just always run in debug mode in case there is a crash without too much of a penalty? Thanks.

Ok, so I ran it again on the Win2k box using the /debug switch and sure enough it crashed. Didn't see anything myself in the log but have zipped it up and attached it. Thanks for your help!

Thanks, we'll have a look at this log.