Hi fellows. I'm using the portable version on my laptop for the 1st time, I'm a bit apprehensive b4 performing the clean. So I just wanna run the following couple of qns by your fellows b4 executing a clean:
1. This is the ONLY "area" I'm gonna clean (I manage my web browser temp files manually, so I dun touch those):
In case the image can't be seen, I only have Temp. files, ClipBoard Memory Dump, Chkdisk file fragments & windows log files under System checked for cleaning
Is it too conservative? In advanced, I allow cleaning of temp files of <48hrs, is that safe?
2. Generally speaking, can I safely say that ALL files inside "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temp" & "C:\Windows\Temp" can be safely deleted without any worry?
3. Can somebody briefly explain to me wat these directories are involved for? I'm gonna clean them:
\Local Settings\Temp\MessengerCache\
\Local Settings\Temp\NeroDemo10225\
\Local Settings\Temp\Patcher\
Particularly the 1st 3, cos I've lotsa entries for those, after running an analysis...wat'll deleting the files in them do?
4. Deleting my Windows Update kb***** logs will not screw up my Windows Update right?
Thanks. Hope to learn something in-depth here...