Confusing Messages

The messages following the scans are confusing. For example, with just "Recent Documents" checked, after the scan, this message apears:

ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.062 secs)


0.14MB to be removed. (Approximate size)


Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)


C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\05 Face Guan Yin 1.wav.lnk 850 bytes

C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\0801225 China 2.lnk 609 bytes





But if I UNCHECK the "Recent Documents" and then rescan the message comes back as:

ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.004 secs)


0.14MB to be removed. (Approximate size)


No files are listed, but it still says "0,14 MB to be removed" !!!

So this makes me afraid to run the cleaner with any other rescans other than the very first one after opening and scanning. Otherwise, I am not really sure (from the messages anyway) if the prior scan results are still scheduled for deletion or not.

I have experimented, and know that it really doesn't delete them, but I wish the messages would not be so ambiguous. Am I the first one to notice this ?!?!?

(I like the program. I am not complaining, just suggesting a clarification.) :D

You're the first I know of. Yes, I get this too. But if I untick Temporary Files and then run Analyse the total figure does decrement by the right amount. I haven't tried any other options.

You're the first I know of. Yes, I get this too. But if I untick Temporary Files and then run Analyse the total figure does decrement by the right amount. I haven't tried any other options.

The erroneous reporting of "0.14MB to be removed. (Approximate size)" in my example, when really NOTHING is going to be removed, seems like a minor, easily fixable bug.

But in a registry cleaner, bugs surrounding what might or might not be removed make me VERY NERVOUS !



I hope Piriforms will fix this in what is otherwise a very useful program.

Woah! :huh:

Happens to me too...

I've never noticed.

I always have all my own settings ticked.

This only happens when there's nothing else ticked but Recent Documents.

I'ts a minor bug. ;)

Woah! :huh:

Happens to me too...

I've never noticed.

I always have all my own settings ticked.

This only happens when there's nothing else ticked but Recent Documents.

I'ts a minor bug. ;)

I seem to have an uncanny knack for hitting all the bugs right away, even if they are minor.

It is the major ones in so many products that have made me so cautious. :D

We will look into this :)


You're the first I know of. Yes, I get this too. But if I untick Temporary Files and then run Analyse the total figure does decrement by the right amount. I haven't tried any other options.

I believe this is correct.

Not all temporary files will be erased if they are currently in use by a program. Some programs such as a given antivirus or antimalware program that is running in the background constantly might always have a temporary file that is being accessed.

To double check is simple, disable any protection you have (or background programs in use) then run Ccleaner. Likely though these programs using these temp files will simply re-create the temp file as needed.

This is not an issue really.

You can locate the files yourself by clicking Start > Run > then type %temp% (note it is important to type temp with the %% signs because there are multiple temp folders in windows and %temp% is the only sure folder it is safe to delete anything from) and click OK (This is safe for XP and Vista only). Within the %temp% folder you can delete anything you like, but notice some files will not delete which means they are currently in use.

In some circumstances it can be because of malware because malware places files in your temp directory as well. The underlying point however is that there is a file in use within the %temp% directory.