configuration when running elevated

i'd like to suggest that the cc installer, when it finishes and offers to launch cc, should either launch it NOT elevated or not offer at all.

the installer has to run elevated. that means whatever programs it launches will be elevated. this is not desirable for two reasons: 1. more risk from virus infections, etc., which is the reason we run not-elevated even if we are admins; and 2. when elevated, it seems to run under the SYSTEM account instead of mine. i was quite surprised to see my entire configuration gone! all the extra folders, choices, etc. would have been disastrous if i'd just run it as usual.

this is also related to the decision to store config information on a per-user basis, which might be right for multi=user machines. mine's just me. so i'd be just as happy storing config info as global (under programdata). that would avoid the above problem. maybe an option for this? or just launch it not elevated.

thanks for a great tool! cleaner and registry scanner.

the latter shouldn't default to detecting unused extensions. microsoft intentionally pre-populated that for use as we add/remove files/products. some advanced users might have some reason to delete all those, but non-expert users should ignore those. besides, that's the misdirection that so many scammers use: run this. omg i have 100s of errors! i'd better buy it and get it cleaned up! sigh you don't wanna look like them. so default to ignoring the extensions.

It's got to be elevated, it writes the the program files directory

CCLeaner (the program) needs to be elevated as many things it removes, such assystem log files, registry entries (in both the cleaner and registry sections) and many other items, require elevated privilages to remove