Configuration backup

After trying a few browsers to replace the CPU and RAM hog Firefox, I have decided that CCleaner Browser is it. Well behaved, imported everything from Firefox without my even asking it to ?, and doesn't bring my system to a crawl while it runs. (Those people at Mozilla have missed the boat in making each new release consume more resources than the previous, IMHO.)

However, I have a routine of running a batch file to copy the configuration files every evening to a USB drive for my own peace of mind. These are the files that Firefox keeps in the "profiles" folder in the Users area of Windows, including all the .sqlite files (cookies, favicons, places, permissions, etc.) and the bookmarks_backup subfolder.

Could someone please tell me what the equivalent files are for CCleaner Browser and what folder it keeps them in, so I can modify my backup file accordingly?

Many thanks in advance.

CCleaner Browser is Chromium based, so check where Chrome keeps it's profie files in the 'appdata' directories and CC browsers files should be there.

Since I don't have Chrome on this machine, I couldn't follow those instructions to the letter, but the way you phrased it gave me good clues as to where to search and I did indeed find the files I needed to backup. Thank you!

I don't have Chrome either, or CCleaner Browser, but most browsers keep profiles etc. in '...\AppData\Local\Browsername\...' and '...\AppData\Roaming\Browsername\...'

If you are writing a batch to clear, or backup, or otherwise work with those configs then you need to look in both Local and Roaming.

eg. I use Firefox and that keeps things like caches and sessions in Local, but other things like cookies are kept in Roaming.

You probably already know that as your batch was previously backing up Firefox stuff, but others may find it helpful.