Concerning active monitoring by default

I'd like to make a friendly suggestion/request.

I'm not a fan of the new monitoring function that always runs in the background. I realize it's easily disabled from the options menu, but I would like an option to disable this from the installer.

My reasoning is this: It adds another similarity to all the fake/malware "cleaning/optimizing/speed-up" programs out there. I work on maybe 5-10 private PCs each week and I always install Ccleaner for my customers. My advice usually is "A legit cleaning program should never constantly give you pop up notifications to clean this or do that. You have to open the application and run it yourself maybe once every week or two." It's already difficult for an average user to determine which programs are useful and which are complete scams, and this feature blurs those lines further. Also, it becomes yet another background process using up resources (albeit very little).


I think the monitoring feature should not be turned on by default or at least should have an option to disable from the installer.

All that said I LOVE this program and have for years, and I even like the new 5.00 UI.

I think the monitoring feature should not be turned on by default or at least should have an option to disable from the installer.
Thank you for your comments. The developer team do read all threads though rarely comment.[Opinion]+1[/opinion]

I wholeheartedly agree for the very same reasons. I really don't have anything else to add except +1

+1 Hated the new changes with the monitoring. It should be disabled by default and have an option to enable it in instalation.

it doesn't make any difference, they have truly screwed up a decent piece of software. I will never update past version V4.17, which does not have the monitoring default. that is ridiculously stupid, to not offer that option on install, that I have no confidence in the company anymore. release all the versions you want past that one, they all suck, and will not get close to my computer.

Indyrod, you've made your feelings known quite a great deal; it verges on seeming like your continued postings are just there to twist some imagined-knife into some imagined-body. If you're here for more than just trolling, please do that. If you want to stick with 4.17 that's fine too, do that and stop trolling.

Indyrod, you've made your feelings known quite a great deal; it verges on seeming like your continued postings are just there to twist some imagined-knife into some imagined-body. If you're here for more than just trolling, please do that. If you want to stick with 4.17 that's fine too, do that and stop trolling.

I'm not trolling, I'm a long time user, and all I was doing was agreeing with the users before me, that wanted the same, what should be a simple change on the install. if that's trolling, then sorry for enjoying your product, which I use all the time, before the monitoring feature.

I am for giving an option to disable active monitoring in the installer too.

That said, I installed version 5.01 yesterday just to get Firefox 34 cleaning improvements and it was easy enough to just disable the active monitoring stuff.Afew clicks and done.Apparently you only have to disable it one time and the program remembers that on future updates.

Remember that if there is more than one user on a machine, active monitoring has to be disabled on each account.