Computer starts slow | Startup log

Hello. My computer starts slowly.

I need help with deactivating startup software. I have brought CCleaner startup logs, please review (in attachment).

As a general rule I tend to turn everything off at startup apart from security programs (Anti-virus programs etc)

But that's just me :)


Yes, I understand, you just turn everything off except of your anti-virus(es). But, I need to turn off specificly...

As you see from the attached file, my Windows OS loads something more than just a startup items of my anti-virus, Skype etc. It mades the main process of computer startup generation. I must find exactly what to deactivate from these, leaving necessary. I guess, percentage would be 80% plus.

If an IT expert / Piriform support team member would review my startups and help - I would appreciate it. Could you?

Someone to analize my startups and help?

I turn off mostly everything from my start up ( except av) because I want things to start when I want them to, not when THEY want to.

I do not want (for example) Skype to run at start up. I will instead start the program when I want to use it.

You would not leave your car engine running all the time just in case you wanted to use your car would you?

You would not leave your car engine running all the time just in case you wanted to use your car would you?

...I liked this.

No, I'm just keeping Skype for my online status for my friends, that's all. Whenever I turn on - there's Skype running, so that my friends can see me and I don't have to remember to launch it everytime for news income.

Well try turning Skype on AFTER you have booted up. You PC might start up quicker then :)

Perhaps don't have Alcohol, Winrar, Messenger, Windows Media Player and PC Tune up running at boot.


Could you review my startup logs and offer me an "uncheck all, mention what is checked" form suggestion?

Please mention the System startups, these should be enabled.

P.S. I have TuneUp Utilities 2014 from AVG; they have a program deactivator feature, it's exclusive. Could it be that program deactivator deactivates program services that are slowing down PC, including startup items?

A list like this is filled with personal choices. You've already stated that one entry, that one member would tell you not to start, is required for your personal wants; I assume many others you want others would say not to have and vice versa.

Helper programs for media players not your main one can be turned off, google is your friend and you should be able to go item by item and choose for yourself. Disable only, don't delete unless you know it's never going to be needed.

I have given you some advice already. It is up to you if you want to follow it.

I am afraid I don't do reviews of members startups on a one to one basis...sorry.

Could you review my startup logs...

You'll need to do some legwork on your own for that, you can Google items that are in your startup list, and you should find sites that give info as to whether a particular startup is necessary or not.


Don't forget CCleaner has a nice startup tool controller in 'Tools > Startup' that works with normal startups, browser extensions, etc. Just remember to disable, do not delete a startup.

Okay. What about my TuneUp Utilities 2014 deactivations? Anyone knows something about it, is experienced to suggest?

...I still don't understand why someone from here can't offer a "what to keep checked only" suggestion, just for fun.

This is the ccleaner advice forum. If you need advice on what to activate/deactivate using TuneUp Utilities please contact them.

You have had some advice on what to keep checked, but you don't seem to want to either follow it, or be prepared to do some leg work yourself.

No, no... I'm ready to Google my startups and help myself.

It's just I don't know which program/feature to use. Since AVG TU 2014 has a service deactivator - I don't know if it affects on startup items as well.

...if it does - I have a decision to make - use fansy TU 2014 to see how deactivation affects live bars, or use a context menu type, standard, specific deactivation from CCleaner. ..... TuneUp would cancel items that are program related, so that it's pretty much the same. I'd guess that if TU 2014 would cancel some program related service(s) and its startups - it would only auto-uncheck for CCleaner as well (some specific entries).

So it's pretty similar; I don't know.

P.S. AVG TuneUp Utilities 2014 users any?

Last warning.

Stop asking for advice about using Tune Up Utilities.


I didn't knew it's so restricted. :/

I didn't knew it's so restricted.

The site owner doesn't allow posting about or giving URL links to any competing products, such as the TU tool you keep mentioning, so heed Hazelnut's warning.