my computer just died on me whilst i was surfing this morning,the power was ok,I switched the main cpu off at the back and on a again. just dead metal box !after about two minutes i started it again and it come back on,seems ok now
Any ideas ? is it the start of a hardware problem that might happen again.Is there anything i could be checking i.e.the fan or something?
If this has happened to anyone else please reply
if you don`t hear from me for a while you`ll know why !
You would want to be monitoring the temperatures with Speedfan or such software as well as the fan speeds(with speedfan) to start with.
If it starts repeatedly crashing you could also set the fans to run at 100% with speedfan. If that fixed it it could point to certain things like needing some new thermal grease.
Must say Talldog9 is probably right, sounds like heat, but...for what its worth:
A short while ago I ran into what I believe to have been a bad bug on a harmless looking website. Old HAL here just shut off and immediately came back on. No harm done, had powershadow running so will never know for sure if something tried to install itself.
But The inside of this computer is clean, and it runs cool, and that never happens.
have downloaded speedfan as suggested by Talldog,not sure what to make of the temps and speeds..
I suppose if things become desperate if i take the computer to my local repair shop they will understand where the problem lies using the speedfan results..
What exactly happens, i.e. screen goes blank, it kills the power??
Richard S.
Hi Richard
the symptoms are the screen goes black,both times i was surfing,and the cpu shuts down,I still have power to my speakers and screen,and the computer,but the on/off or reset button is not effective I then switched the off button at the back of the cpu,after about two minutes the powers back and the screen comes back,both times i may have been logged on about an hour plus,
It has only crashed twice in the last two days,I`m just prememting if it crashes and i can`t get it to start up again,when i press the reset or on button it`s as if there is no power to the machine...
(I don't know if your drivers are already up-to-date since the nv4_disp.dll version number is different from the usual nVidia version numbers...but it's worth a try)
Can you monitor the temperature in your power supply unit / your video card GPU (using a thermometer?)? That's what popped into my head right after CPU. If it's your GPU, that might explain why the PC is still on but nothing gets put out anymore. You might want to check for dust (you already did so, but doublechecking is never bad) even in the videocard's heatsink, and especially in the PSU.
How are the current ratings in speedfan? Are voltages stable?
I did jokingly say I hope I don`t see them again too soon !
Nice idea Hazelnut...the amusing thing is they are not what one might assume what computer technicians look like,(i know we should never catergorise or assume things about people) but these guys are about six foot six and lift weights !!!they have arms like tractors !! brains and brawn !!