Computer Help!

So today I decided to update my computer.

But what's the difference between updating windows and Microsoft?

I also got this message pop up.

"Why am I being offered an update that I have previously hidden?

Windows XP Service Pack 3 is an important update to help ensure customers stay secure and up-to-date. Microsoft highly recommends installing this update."

Is windows service pack 3 any good?

Thanks in advance. :)

Welcome LIL NOOB

Windows Service Pack 3 has several Critical Security updates and has been available for almost a year now with a few updates in between delivered on Patch Tuesdays which is the second Tuesday of the month.

Have you heard of the Conficker trojan that infected 10 million systems?

Download it. It is good. And turn on automatic Windows Updates ;) (Windows key + Break/Pause key(this will open a new window with some tabs in the top), tab Automatic Updates - or something like this, my computer is in French so I don't know its exact name in English.)

How do I know if my system is infected?

Well I did a system restore about 2 months ago and I never got any updates from windows

Until today that I decided to updated by going to the Windows update site...

Should I Download Internet Explorer 7?

I use Firefox tho.

How do I know if my system is infected?

You would know it as it would begin to act really strange.

Well I did a system restore about 2 months ago and I never got any updates from windows

Until today that I decided to updated by going to the Windows update site...

Should I Download Internet Explorer 7?

Internet Explorer 7 is many more times secure than 6 and it has many nice features like ActiveX opt-in, tabbed interface, phishing filter and many more:

I like it with IE7Pro:

Should I Download Internet Explorer 7?

I use Firefox tho.

You should really update Internet Explorer. Even if you don't regularly use IE on your system the update is worth it for the sake of security on your system, and being lazy about keeping key components of the system updated such as service packs, etc., can allow malware to more easily get into the system.

IE is such an integral part of the system and you're using it rather you open it or not since other software can and will utilize it for updating purposes, etc. It makes updating to the newest version a wise decision.