Do you know any good computer desks that are built specifically for gaming and arent made of crap particle board.
they make desks?
That's what I was wondering as well.
ya i found one i forget were.
My freind showed it to me but i did not belive him it was like ebay.
I just said it becuase it was on the top of my mind.
who can trust ebay
I will look for one i know exsists
Heh, how is a computer desk more or less suitable for gaming than using office?
You should get an comfortable desk, preferaby ergonomic. You might like one with much space to have things around like things to eat.
You might like one with much space to have things around like things to eat.
It's called a small side table, which also makes it rather difficult to spill things over or into the PC that may damage it.
You should get a 180 degrees table,
really comfortable, you can put stuff all over the table and pick it up real easy.
A comfortable, tall and perferbly a little hard chair is also very usefull for those
who spend hours on the computer (The soft ones though really feel nice once you sit on them but after some hours it's intolerable, go with a hard chair, trust me.)
ya a hard chair for some reason is better. When i go to my freinds house who has soft my *** starts to hurt after a while and is really annoying.
Are you looking for a desk were you computer can do one the top or under the desk?
i just found this and it seems to have some good ideas
i sit in this crappy ass dinner table change, and my back has never felt any better.
chair*, i dont know how i got change
You could have pressed the edit button.
A 180' degrees table would definitly be cool, easy to reach everything. A 360' would be cool too with a hole in the middle to sit in.
But maybe not so comfortable? I dont know.
I have a desk from "SSI Sch?fer" it is a German company that manufacture office equipment, and other stuff mainly for companies.
I got it from my dads job, a couple of years ago. It is L-shaped. It is very robust and I am happy with it. I heard they were very expensive and very durable, think his boss even mentioned they were acid-proof, not sure. This was many years ago.
A 360' would be cool too with a hole in the middle to sit in.
How would you get into the middle, perhaps pull a Spider-Man trick out of your hat?
How would you get into the middle, perhaps pull a Spider-Man trick out of your hat?
Either by climb up on the desk or crawl under.
Probably would not be able to have a chair with back support but sitting in the center of a 360' degree round table with a chair that can spin would indeed be cool.