Completely stupid jokes & random rambling

A stupid joke that just popped into my head out of nowhere:

Cat Neighbor: Sir your dog ate my cat!

Dog Neighbor: Hmm, yeah, interesting, you know if you'd have gotten a dog instead of a cat they would've been in that bush over there enjoyin' themselves.

Cat Neighbor: Say what?

A stupid joke that just popped into my head out of nowhere:

Cat Neighbor: Sir your dog ate my cat!

Dog Neighbor: Hmm, yeah, interesting, you know if you'd have gotten a dog instead of a cat they would've been in that bush over there enjoyin' themselves.

Cat Neighbor: Say what?

Say whawhawha....what?!? :lol:

No explanation! :P

What did R2D2 have to do when his usual route to work is blocked?


How did Captain Picard order Giordi Laforge to fix the Singer stitching machine?

Make it sew.

In the original Star Trek series the cast and crew began to think that the actor portraying the ships doctor was an imposter. But he wasn't. He was the real McCoy.

What does Paul Bunyan wear when it's cold outside?

His lumberjacket.

Does Big Ben ever get ticked off? If he's still hungry after the first serving does he ask for seconds?

One time he got the hour hand and the minute hand to race each other. It ended up in an exact tie. More and more people started to complain about the races because they made it impossible to tell what time it is really was. All the questions started to really stress Big Ben out and he became more and more wound up. When asked about what he intended to do about the situation Big Ben replied:

"Sorry, I can't do anything about it. My hands are tied."

One time I thought I had a foolproof plan to achieve a little fame and fortune. I would teach my dog to retrieve things from farther and farther away. But my idea never did work out. It was too far fetched.

What do you call a church on an aircraft carrier?

A house of warship.



Well on the bright side you revived this thread I had killed...

BTW, Andavari did specify completely stupid jokes. I was only following orders :P!

Bright side? I meant dark side.

Yes anything stupid yet funny should go in here such as jokes on a farts whim.

Dark Side. That reminds from watching this weeks My Name Is Earl when Randy was at a yardsale and asked the ole man with the voice machine to say Luke I am your father!