I completely deleted jpg/psd files from my recycle bin. I have made a scan, and it finds a lot of old deleted files, but only one of the today deleted files. I have a lot of space on my C Drive (and also D drive), but don't know which drive deleted recycle bin files are hidden. Can somebody clarify, and is there any way I can recover the deleted files. Are deleted recycle files hidden in a specific folder on the C/drive?
The deleted files will remain (if they still exist) on the drivre they were originally on. The recycler renames files sent to the recycle bin to two components named $I and $R + a set of random characters + the original file extension. Ignore the $I file, the $R is the one you want. Whether these names are kept on final deletion or reverted to the original does not seem to be clear. If you can't find anything then the files may well be gone forever. You could try a deep scan in this case, but it will not return file or folder names.
Thanks Augeas for clarifying. I also did a deep scan, but same result. It found a lot of png files, and old jpg files where I could see the preview, but the new ones seem to be lost forever.
Would be nice if Windows dedicated a special folder for deleted files from the recycle bin within a week. One normally finds out the mistake in that time span.
But I am a little wiser now, and not so trigger happy in the future