Competition handles hosts file

Just a suggestion as another very nice feature CCleaner could have ..

I use MVPS Hosts file

It can either be updated manually ..

Or by the linked utilities Hostman, or HostsXpert

Neither of which work very nicely on Win 7 ( well they mostly work as advertised but there are a couple of problems with both )

Recently noticed MVPS org have added a new utility to the ones listed .. {Competing Product)

Which seems to be another pretender to the throne of Ultimate Registry Cleaner ( We know better )

But it does also incorporate updating the MVPS Hosts file

CCleaner imho would be the better tool to implement this feature.

Hi, I've edited your post as we don't allow names or links of competitors here, as this is an official help forum.

It has been suggested before that a Host file editor be added, and the developers read all suggestions and often will add popular viable additions.

[opinion]I think this feature goes beyond the scope of the goals of CCleaner. as a Junk remover. There are already many competent softwares that perform this feature better than I think a tool in ccleaner could do.[/opinion]

:) Understood, and apologies for linking the tool, in hindsight it does seem a bit rude.

But imho, the reason I suggest it is because having an up to date hosts file can prevent a huge amount of the junk getting on your machine to begin with.

Prevention being better than a cure, and where malware is concerned ( quite often related to junk files ), is relative. /imho

CCleaner although not an anti-malware solution, is quite often used by malware help forums such as bleepingcomputers forum as part of the process to helping people recover their systems to normal, because they recognise it does help in cleaning out residue files or deviously linked temporary files.

I think CC's main purpose is re-active: you get crap, it cleans up the mess.

It should not be pro-active, trying to protect your usage and prevent things from happening.

just my opinion