
I spotted some problems in Re-slept off. The first one is a problem of compatibility with the mobile devices and the smartphones. All the smartphones connected to the computer during the execution of Recuva is not recognized by this last one. The second is certainly a problem of compatibility with Windows 7 and Windows 7 SP1. During the complete analyses on disks systems, the scan stops generally near the 40 % in the stage 1. But nobody makes windows saying to me that there is a bug appears. Simply, the estimated time left increase, and the progress stagnates. Even during 8 hours, nothing moves!

I hope that these bugs will be resolved in the version 1.41, and that this one will soon go out, I have important files to be got back...

If mobile devices, digital cameras or mp3 players lack a drive letter when connected to your computer then they're not supported by Recuva or any other recovery software.

They use a file transfer protocol similar to ftp, mtp which does not permit direct disk read access an essential requirement for recovering files.

Richard S.