Compatibility with Vista?

I installed and ran CCleaner version 2.14.763. After cleaning up both regular files and registry entries I tried to restart my computer. It refused. I had to restore the system to where it was before I ran CCleaner.

Since i never had CCleaner problems with my old computer which ran Windows XP, could the problem be that my new computer is running Windows Vista?

Any thought would be appreciated. Thanks.


CCleaner is compatable with vista. (Which vista version do you have?)

Have you tried narrowing it down? Try using the cleaner only. If now problems there that leaves us with your registry.

Welcome to the forum by the way Jasoom :)

I installed and ran CCleaner version 2.14.763. After cleaning up both regular files and registry entries I tried to restart my computer. It refused. I had to restore the system to where it was before I ran CCleaner.

Since i never had CCleaner problems with my old computer which ran Windows XP, could the problem be that my new computer is running Windows Vista?

Any thought would be appreciated. Thanks.


I've used it on Vista for about 6 months now without problem (give or take a month). But beyond saying you couldn't restart, there's not much info given. It could be a number of things, whether CCleaner being involved or not.

What do you by refused to restart? Do you mean, it turned off, and refused to log back in due to some sort of .dll missing? Or do you mean it just wouldn't turn off and then back on?

As hazelnut said, Welcome to the forums.

I've used it on Vista for about 6 months now without problem (give or take a month). But beyond saying you couldn't restart, there's not much info given. It could be a number of things, whether CCleaner being involved or not.

What do you by refused to restart? Do you mean, it turned off, and refused to log back in due to some sort of .dll missing? Or do you mean it just wouldn't turn off and then back on?

As hazelnut said, Welcome to the forums.

thanks for the welcome.

Byu "refused to restart" I mean that after i used CCleaner I went to Start\Shutdown\Restart and the computer gave me a message that Windows was unable to restart. It then tried to fix the problem itself (I didn't know that Windows had this "fix"in its code!). the fix didn't work so I restored the computer to where it was prior to installing and running CCleaner. Now my computer works agian. However, I am skittish on doing any more CCleaner operations until i know why this happened.

As i said, i never had this problem with CCleaner runing on Windows XP.


thanks for the welcome.

As i said, i never had this problem with CCleaner runing on Windows XP.

However, I am skittish on doing any more CCleaner operations until i know why this happened.


Hello jassom,

1. What edition and version of Vista do you have, 32-bit or 64-bit ?

2. Look in the Event Viewer and see what errors were recorded at the time of the problem.

Cut and paste a list.

3. Provide a list of the Registry Issues backups . (They contain text data)

4. How long have you been running CCleaner on Vista ?

5. What are your specs on your PC?

6. Did the Registry issues seem different than normal ?

7. Any hardware or software changes recently ?

8. Describe what happened when you clicked the "Restart" button ?

This information will help.

Thanks, :) davey

Hello jassom,

1. What edition and version of Vista do you have, 32-bit or 64-bit ?

2. Look in the Event Viewer and see what errors were recorded at the time of the problem.

Cut and paste a list.

3. Provide a list of the Registry Issues backups . (They contain text data)

4. How long have you been running CCleaner on Vista ?

5. What are your specs on your PC?

6. Did the Registry issues seem different than normal ?

7. Any hardware or software changes recently ?

8. Describe what happened when you clicked the "Restart" button ?

This information will help.

Thanks, :) davey

1.I'm using home premium 64 bit

I have used CCleaner on my 32 bit vista for almost two years, and my 64 bit vista for 8 months without issue. Just letting you know that CCleaner does work on vista, and does work on 64 bit versions.......

Welcome to the forums. :)