Company usage License..?

Can defraggler be used within a company in it's 'free' state and does the same apply to all other products?



Yes all Piriform products are free for home and business users. Donations of course are welcome :)

There is however, should you wish it, a Premium Business Support.

Yes all Piriform products are free for home and business users. Donations of course are welcome :)

There is however, should you wish it, a Premium Business Support.

Are you able to let us know what license this software is distributed under and if there is details of it anywhere?

I have had a nightmare trying to get an answer from the contact page on the site with the following responses:

Hi Matthew, thanks for your email.

For Business Users we recommend Premium Support available from:

For Home Users we appreciate donations via:

Alternatively, you can download it for free at:



My Response:


Thanks for the reply.

For audit purposes, can you tell me what license the software is released under (GPL, Mozilla, etc)



Response back:

Hi, thanks for your email. If you have a question about our products you can almost certainly find the answer at



We are stuck in the situation at the moment of not being able to demonstrate the software to the IT manager because of the very strict licensing rules we have to abide by, chances are (from using it at home, I know how good it is) that if it is taken up a donation will be given for the software.

Just REALLY need to know what license it is distributed under.


Licences for business...

and private...

Those two seem to apply to businesses and customers users taking up paid support, as far as I can tell. For free unsupported use you could always run the first part of an install and see what the licence agreement says there.

Licences for business...

and private...

Those two seem to apply to businesses and customers users taking up paid support, as far as I can tell. For free unsupported use you could always run the first part of an install and see what the licence agreement says there.

Cheers Augeus.

All looking good from that then :)

The license agreement on install seems to answer my questions. feel free to slap me for not looking there first!


I can't comment on Piriform's business and user support, as I've no experience of it. I would say though that your company (and your career) is taking a chance on using a free unsupported product in its business. Support appears to be ?19.95 a pc, so it could be expensive for many pc's. Have you tried this contact point ?