Comodo Internet Security - free version

Has anyone had experience with or currently using Comodo Internet Security (free version). If so, what is your opinion on it? From what I read and hear it sounds very good.

Comodo Internet Security

Has anyone had experience with or currently using Comodo Internet Security (free version). If so, what is your opinion on it? From what I read and hear it sounds very good.

Comodo Internet Security

It keeps me happy and safe.

Actually I believe ALL flavours of Comodo Internet Security are free,

but you can pay for priority support from Comodo employees.

I am happy with the User support forum.

In my case, CIS's HIPS prompts don't seem to be too friendly when compared to, say Online Armor. However, the prompts have more options to offer flexibility for the user's needs.

CIS offers more options/features than other paid-for Firewall+HIPS, and with a great community to help you setup the needed configurations depending in your situation.

I experienced very little performance impact on the system. No noticeable slowdowns of startup, network, minimal CPU usage etc.

I just had two new computers made (with Windows 7) by a very competent guy who recommended I try the free version of CIS. He has been using it for awhile and finds it very good. So far so good. I'll post back here if I find I'm not happy with it and give the reasons why.

I use it. My oppinion: Very good, it gives excellent protection,after swichting from zonealarm to comodo i noticed that even tracking cookies were blocked effektively. Still it combines excellent protection with easy use, its not easy but also not hard, and for a firewall of that level easy to understand and configure. Drawbacks, well there are 2: First when installing for the first time, be ready to get hell a lot of questions, comodo remembers and memorizes every single rule, it needs time until it saves the rules for any software you use, but once they are set, you will only get new questions on updates or when installing and using new software, since this may be an old task but a new file or a completely new software. In the beginning it maybe be costing a few nerves with all the rules. Second drawback: its excellent that it has even a sandbox, but works not so good.... also it somehow doesnt seem to react on changes, when i put a programm in the ignore list it often wont work and comodo still sandboxes it... sadly this definitely needs an overworking. But besides that id say: excellent.

I am happy with the full suite.

The only grief in the past was heavy use of the CPU whilst downloading and installing updates to the A.V. database.

That was last year with an old laptop and a single core processor.

This year it never takes more than 25% of the CPU for an update, perhaps due to using a more recent quad core Desktop