Found another free Anitvirus Program this morning lookng around since AGV and Avast have been acting up a bit lately not sure how good it may be but it seem to have lots of features the other programs do not and with alot of custom settings. Has a matching firewall thats free to download also to go with it. Have both running on a test machine now took about 10 min. get the free lifetime code and another 10 to install and update have tested firewall on about 5 different sites and all ports are stealth took about 35 minutes to run a full scan but that system has 3 HD's with a full backup on 1 of them so that wasen't bad for a full system scan.
Haven't tried the av as yet.Seems to have promise though but will wait a coupla months until they get a few more siggys into their data base.
As far as the firewall goes I like it also. Have you tested it on any sites for it stealth and closed ports and such and what kind of results did you get mainly were the any closed ports at all.
Since that link at wilders has people saying that comodo is now lighter/better I will try it again later today. I tried it a few months ago when someone started talking about it on here and I didn't think it was that great.
As for the AV like people said its to new to be trusted to have good detection rates. I have etrust and I'm very happy with it, but I do run an online scan every now and then.(whenever I do my clean up routine every 5-6 months.)
I like Kaspersky's and bit defenders.
Now if your on dial up, online scans can be a real hassle. For a back up scanner I would suggest either antivir without the real time installed(you can tell it to in the installer) or bitdefender free which is just an on demand scanner.
As of today I started using Comodo Antivirus as my secondary on-demand only av software. And I started using Comodo Firewall as my software-based firewall.
I really don't know how good the detection is of the antivirus, and really only kept it installed because ClamWin Free Antivirus my former secondary av scanner was taking far too long (3 times longer than any av I've ever tried) to scan all files on my system.
The firewall however was a very pleasant surprise and is a keeper on my system. It isn't often that I'm very impressed from the get go with a software product, however Comodo Firewall did just that.
Thats good to know Andavari. Im currently using Netveda with zero problems, and nothing that annoys me, but its nice to know of easy to use alternatives for if/when i would like to switch.
I really don't know how good the detection is of the antivirus, and really only kept it installed because ClamWin Free Antivirus my former secondary av scanner was taking far too long (3 times longer than any av I've ever tried) to scan all files on my system.
The firewall however was a very pleasant surprise and is a keeper on my system. It isn't often that I'm very impressed from the get go with a software product, however Comodo Firewall did just that.
Yes, that is the problem with ClamWin, it is so slow. Last time I runned it, I made it scan only .exe and .dll files.
Turns out my praising of it was too soon and it hadn't been fully tested on my system with multiple softwares because as soon as I launched Internet Explorer it caused McAfee SiteAdvisor to crash, then when trying to use IE's own tools for restricting sites it caused IE to crash, and it even caused a problem with CCleaner. All of the problems it was causing pointed to C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll.
Not only that both the firewall and antivirus don't really uninstall! The antivirus still had an active component after uninstall, thus a System Restore point I made before installing them had to be used to fully get rid of them. I won't be trying any Comodo software anytime soon with their very poor uninstallers.
I didn't like the firewall too much. I just thought it was kind of klunky.
I guess I just got used to my little netveda that used almost no resources and had a nice minimal interface.
Andavari if you still want a back up antivirus and since you already said you don't like antivir try using bitdefenders free edition. It really is an awesome program.
IAndavari if you still want a back up antivirus and since you already said you don't like antivir try using bitdefenders free edition. It really is an awesome program.
You do realize that is just the On-line Scanner but in a .EXE form? Well to me that's what it seems to be *Still good none the less
I think Comodo's Anti-Virus Program will become *Very Popular in the years to come and it will get better as the months go on
You do realize that is just the On-line Scanner but in a .EXE form? Well to me that's what it seems to be *Still good none the less
Did you actually try it? The reason I ask because unlike a few of the AVs that just provide just a simple interface to run their virus definitions(McAffees sysclean for example) bitdefender actually provide a full program. It has auto updates, schedualed scans, and a great inteface. The only thing it doesn't have is a real time scanner. Here is a pic of it on my system.(I don't let it run all the time so I don't use the auto updates or schedualed scan)
Did you actually try it? The reason I ask because unlike a few of the AVs that just provide just a simple interface to run their virus definitions(McAffees sysclean for example) bitdefender actually provide a full program. It has auto updates, schedualed scans, and a great inteface. The only thing it doesn't have is a real time scanner. Here is a pic of it on my system.(I don't let it run all the time so I don't use the auto updates or schedualed scan)
Yes I actually Did try it. In my mind I thought (Uhh... ok and I'm suppose to think WOW! here) but really I wasn't. I like Bitdefender but I'm still with Avast! even though I know... Bitdefender is far better.
Andavari if you still want a back up antivirus and since you already said you don't like antivir try using bitdefenders free edition. It really is an awesome program.
I would use it if I could but I can't.
It will install fine but as soon as I launch the main application it warns me about being expired or something alone those lines, why I don't know. It has did that ever since I've had this Dell Dimension 8300 PC since Dec 2003, even after my format+reinstall in Sep 2005 BDFree still wouldn't work.
I'm back to using ClamWin Free Antivirus as my secondary av scanner.
Don't know, but when it worked on my old Win98 PC back at version 6 I didn't care for it too much because it would always give false positives on my cleaning batch files with del and deltree commands as being Bat.Trojan.Delete or something very similar to that.