Comodo Firewall Test Suite

What's the security rating of your PC?

Comodo Firewall Test Suite is an all-in-one application that sequentially launches 34 of the most effective leak tests against your computer's security. When the full cycle of tests has been completed you will be provided with detailed results that will inform you which individual tests your system is vulnerable to.

Your system will also be awarded an overall security score based upon its overall performance against the suite of tests. (Highest and most secure score = 340)

Comodo Firewall Test

I wish it was web-based because I've never had any joy in using any of Comodo's software.

I wish it was web-based because I've never had any joy in using any of Comodo's software.

And I'm sure, seeing as Comodo is the author of these tests, that they've made damn sure that their very own firewall passes all of em, eh. ;):lol:

Nevertheless nice set of tests, not that I understand most of em and I have read mostly good things about Comodo's Firewall.

I wish it was web-based because I've never had any joy in using any of Comodo's software.
That goes for me as well.

I like what is presented in the two 10 minute videos:

Malwarebytes Developer Interview