Comodo and Filehippo

Hello, I know for a fact that ccleaner owns filehippo and I want Comodo Firewall and Anti-Virus(Which are both Free) on

what? maybe im just not understanding ya ;)

I just want Comodo Firewall and Comodo Anti-Virus found at on Owns Filehippo)

CCleaner Owns Filehippo

when did this happen?

It's been suspected for some months, just search for old threads about it. In any event I agree, however free Comodo products must be registered to get a free license key.

From my "quick" research filehippo, CCleaner, and piriform are all owned and operated by the same individuals. Simply looking at their domain name records ( they were all registered in 2005 by GoDaddy and all three are hosted on the same DNS server ( But even without this proof it has always been apparent that CCleaner and filehippo were related. I mean why would filehippo allow CCleaner to be their main, bandwidth draining, download site?

I think Piriform should brag about filehippo. They are the premier download site for non-spyware software. Only the best of the best end up on filehippo. You also get access to the old versions too. I work for the largest pc repair company in the US (Geek Squad) and use CCleaner every day. I would love to "legally" tell our customers about CCleaner and filehippo. They keep downloading the same crap that keeps infecting their systems, over and over. We loose money redoing cleanings that the customer causes. But how do you tell a customer to use 5-10 different pieces of software to clean their computer. BTW, this website does the best job MIO on how to clean a pc from viruses and spyware. It's even more thorough than we do.

As of now, there's only some weak agreement between Piriform and Bestbuy. We are only allowed to use CCleaner for cleanings, that's it. All the while I have to sneak the handwritten note across the counter saying, or

It's dumb, no one has come out with a better (or just as good) temp and registry cleaner than CCleaner. And CCleaner is free. See the problem here? I love the software, don't get me wrong. It kicks Window Washer's ass, but guess what, Bestbuy sells the hell out of Window Washer. I don't push it, i just write on receipt paper and pass it across the counter with a wink.

Priform you need to charge for CCleaner (I'm sorry people). Bestbuy and the Geek Squad will carry you. I promise.

This thread was almost a year old when you posted in it.

This thread was almost a year old when you posted in it.

I like to bring old threads back to life :->

Yah has put no updates on there site toight


Is this spamming or trolling? :angry: