CommonAppData ?

Is it possible that this environment variable used by CCleaner is missing in some systems?

On mine (WinXp Pro SP2 italian localized) it was missing indeed... :unsure:

To check it out, just use Start > Run, type '%commonappdata%' (without quotes) > OK

If this does open a system folder all is fine, if returns a 'not found' error must create it.

Please anyone can confirm? :mellow:

Is it possible that this environment variable used by CCleaner is missing in some systems?

On mine (WinXp Pro SP2 italian localized) it was missing indeed... :unsure:

To check it out, just use Start > Run, type '%commonappdata%' (without quotes) > OK

If this does open a system folder all is fine, if returns a 'not found' error must create it.

Please anyone can confirm? :mellow:


Almost 200 views and 0 replies? :unsure:

Seems i'm not the only one having this issue:

It fails the same for me in XP Pro.

Go to Start then type cmd and in the Window type set to see what environment variable are set.

It fails the same for me in XP Pro.

Go to Start then type cmd and in the Window type set to see what environment variable are set.

Thanks for your reply :)

On my s.o. i create the new variable as follow:

Right click My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables > New

Name: CommonAppData

Path: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dati applicazioni

(this is 'Application Data' for me)

Just wondering if many CCleaner malfunctions are due to this issue.

On my system some application were not cleaned at all before this tweak

(eg. Avira Antivir Free 8).

%LocalAppData% was missing as well, here

(however this one seems not so often used by CCleaner)


CCleaner could benefit from National Language support.

Its even worse for double byte languages like Chinese or Japanese.

I'm thinking some of those variables are just inside of CCleaner, because typing in dir /s %localappdata% doesn't yield anything on my system. CCleaner isn't the only cleaning tool to do that either.

Let's take, as sample, Windows Movie Maker.

This is its entry in winapp.ini

[Windows Movie Maker]




FileKey1=%localappdata%\Microsoft\Movie Maker|MEDIATAB0.DAT

(Note: I need to replace 'MovieMaker' with 'MM20' to get it detected by CCleaner,

at least on my system. And this is impossible since winapp.ini have been encoded in CCleaner.exe.

However, is still possible bypass this issue adding the entry to winapp2.ini)

Now my question is:

How CCleaner could clean the MEDIATAB0.dat file, if the %localappdata% path is unknown?

(in my case it's: C:\Documents and Settings\MyName\Impostazioni locali\Dati applicazioni\Microsoft\Movie Maker\MEDIATAB0.DAT)
