I've been using CCleaner for a while and it's a great program. I wanted to ask if there's a way to run CCleaner to clean the hard drive in a batch file. I work in schools and I would start the batch on all my computers at the end of the year.
While I was looking in the forum, I found about defraggler... it seems a good defrag program and I will install it on my computers... but it brings up the same question, is there a way to defrag the hard drive with a batch file ?
Nevermind for the command line for deffragler, I installed it and there's a df.exe that can be run in a command line, it's something that I will look at ! I'm still looking for CCleaner though...
Be sure all the items are un-checked in the Windows and Applications that you do not want to clean.
Thanks for the help. How can you know for sure what items are selected if you use the /auto ? I wouldn't want to loose something important... Is there a .ini file or is it written in the registry ? Where is it ?
Is it possible to Spybot to run test and shutdown the same way as Andavari has made it possible for CCleaner?
Further, I'd like to incorporate CCleaner, Spybot and AVG in a single batch file to run tests and shutdown as also have individual batch files - just wondering if its possible? got only as far as getting avg control centre to run )
novice at it, but keen to learn; all help would be appreciated
Hmmm... sorry but my post seems to be going in another direction... Can someone tell me what to do with the ini files ?
I've put them in the same folder as the .exe
They don't seem to "overwrite" the settings of CCleaner.
Am I doing something wrong ?
Hello Alexandre,
The .ini files show exactly what is already embedded in the CCleaner.exe .
Start CCleaner.
Set all your settings the way that you want.
Before exiting the program go to Options > Advanced > Save all settings to INI file and check that option.
When you exit CCleaner the (2 small cc) CCleaner.ini file will be created in the CCleaner folder.This file will override what is embedded.
This file will also contain "cookies to keep" and any Include/Exclude entries that you might want also.
I hope this helps.You won't need the other .ini files unless you want to make changes to them and they will override what is already embedded.The (cc)leaner.ini file should suffice.