command line slow

After using cc cleaner adding text to the command line slowed to a stop after the first letter. What should I do to restore my command line?

Hmmm, I've installed CCleaner hundreds of times on multiple machines and I have never run into anything like that.

Forgive me if you have already looked into this, I can't help but wonder the following:

  • Are there other applications besides the command-line that are also running slow?
  • Is anti-virus software installed and is it possibly doing a scan?
  • Is a hard disk being defragmented?
  • Is CCleaner processing while you are using the command-line?

I would check to see which Windows applications, processes, and services are currently running. Also try booting into Safe Mode so that only the bare-bones services are running, and use the command line to see what the performance is like. I highy doubt that CCleaner is the source of your frustration.