Command-line parameters and background priority

New here!

1 - It would be helpful if a scheduled defrag could be run at background, rather than normal, priority. A command-line parameter for this would be a help.

2 - I see that /ts is a parameter in the scheduled task, but not in the documentation. What does it do, please?



Does anyone know the answer to this - a reply would be appreciated.

Also: I wonder whether you can add /QD as a parameter to the scheduled task - I tried this but I'm not sure it worked. Yes, I did notice the space in "Program Files" and got this correct in the Windows-7 task scheduler.



Hi David,

We plan to add these features in future releases.

As to the "/ts" parameter - this parameter is used internally by Defraggler to distinguish if an instance is a stand-alone one or it was run from the task schedule. That is the reason why it is not documented.

Best regards


Thanks for that, I look forward to the next release.

Is the /QD honoured at all in the scheduled defrag? I ask because if I run a quick defrag from the GUI it runs in a minute or two, but when in a scheduled job defragging the same disk can take hours.



Hi David,

/QD switch was made to enable quick defrag from the command-line version of Defraggler. Currently it is not possible to enable this kind of defrag for the schedule using the UI, but you can manually add this switch to the tasks created in the Windows Task Scheduler.

Best regards


Yes, I've added the /QD manually, and checked that it's correct in the Task Scheduler. From memory, a /QD defrag takes about 20 minutes, but the scheduled defrag can take over two hours. But if you are sure that the /QD works in scheduled mode, then it must just be that the disk is taking longer to defrag.

