Command Line not working as intended

I am trying to make use of the CCleaner.exe /DELETE "path_to_file(s)" /METHOD "0-3" command located and it doesn't seem to be working as intended. Using it brings a CCleaner message saying if I would like to continue, when I click yes, it deletes but does a delete + empty recycle style delete. I used recuva to check and nothing was overwritten. I have tried all angles with this even screwing up the parameters to see if its just me and it just doesn't work as expected.

Following approaches were used:

- UAC set to lauch admin access

- tried 64 / 32 bit version

- removed / added quotes (though this results in a CCleaner error)

- tested on all delete types (from Simple -> Very Complex)

Nothing seems to be working and files delete BUT are recoverable.