I went to use Defraggler last night and all the colors have vanished on the drive map. I completely uninstalled the program today and clear everything again and then downloaded and installed it again, but the drive map is still all gray.
It looks like you have not yet run an 'Analyze' (or a defrag).
In that screenshot the disk fragmentation is showing as 'Unknown' for all your drives.
When you open defraggler the blocks are show from your last time you ran it, and are grey like that until after you have run a new analyze (or defrag).
This is because until you do defraggler doesn't know their current status.
Once you run an Ananlyze (or defrag) the fragmentation changes from 'Unknown' to a percentage, and the blocks show the relevant colour.
I had un-installed the program because all of the colors were suddenly gone, I then ran ccleaner, rebooted and then reinstalled defraggler because all of the colors were gone, but they are still gone. I just ran it again last night and this is what it looks like when I open the program. In the past those gray boxes were different colors and now they are all gray.
Thank You
Again all your screenshots are showing Fragmentation as 'Unknown' which means that you haven't run Defraggler yet.
You need to Analyze the disk and then it will show Fragmentation as a percentage and colour the blocks.
eg. Defraggler opened but disk not yet analyzed, Fragmentation Unknown, blocks are grey:
Analyze has been run to analyze drive C:, fragmetataion of C: is shown as a percentage, blocks are coloured:
Note also the difference in the 'Status' panel on the left.