Code Glitch

When trying to insert a link, the code box is displayed off the screen; never did that before.

If I go ahead and paste the code anyway, an extra http:// is added at the front of the url, and the link won't work.

I can't see the code when it is in the box, but editing the post and removing the extra characters makes the link work.

Guess I'm doing something wrong here?

Using WXP home, IE7 which was patched yesterday.

What it looks like:


Trying to insert a link gives this non working code:


Edit it to this and it works.


My link

Try this login, does it work then?


Try this login, does it work then?

Yes, it would, I think, except the box is over there off the screen (as in that screenshot), so I can't see it. If I double click the (misplaced) box, I cannot tell if the highlighting worked or not.

If I just simply paste the code from photobucket, without using the "Insert Link" button, it works OK and looks like this:


Also, the "Insert Link" button used to look like your picture, today it looks like mine. :blink:

Great picture!!

What happens if you change the forum skin to piriform one?

What happens in another browser?

Edit: My manners are slipping

Great picture!!

Thank you, it is called Northern Lights Over Yellow Knife, more like it on the net.

What happens if you change the forum skin to piriform one?

same thing in green. :P

What happens in another browser?

Downloading firefox now, opera in a minute. Let you know.

Thanks for the help.

looks normal in Firefox, but still doesn't show as a picture if I use the insert link button, does show if I simply paste the code from Photobucket as below. Gets curiouser and curiouser.


I know how to do it now, so give it up if it is late where you are and get some rest

And thanks a million.

P.S.: Please don't tell DennisD about this, OK?

Perhaps others may have some thoughts on this login.

And don't worry Dennis will never find out :)

...Dennis will never find out.

That is a great relief. :-)

The insert link button looks like this in Opera.


Again, in Opera, if I use the insert link or image i get a bunch of text which resolves to this:


but if i simply paste the code I get the picture above.

I know how to do it now, so give it up if it is late where you are and get some rest

And thanks a million.

P.S.: Please don't tell DennisD about this, OK?

I got to this post and almost fell off my flaming seat. :lol:

But pretend you havn't seen this post and I'll pretend I missed this thread.

If I hadn't missed it though, I would have maybe asked if you have Rich Text active in IE. It can do really funny things when I select it in Opera.

But don't answer that one as I haven't seen this thread and would miss any reply.

Oh dear. Hazel, he found it.

Dennis, rich text editor is not enabled, and also nothing has changed on here in ages except the MS update to IE7.

By the way, I don't know why I said that about being late in the day over there...a minor Brain Cramp...I thought it was about 11 pm in the UK. :blink: Slowly losing sanity in the cold weather, I guess.

OK, cold restart, Opera and Firefox gone, back on IE7.

- The insert box still looks like picture 1,

- The inserted code looks like this:


This is what the forum inserted code looks like in code tags:

Well the code box looks wrong too.


- and if I just paste the code it gives this, for different picture of course:


I guess it is because that box shows up off the screen, and the extra characters are inserted where I can't overwrite them.

Any ideas? And why would this be so all of a sudden?

Hazel I wonder if this has something to do with the thing you and Mr G were talking about yesterday :blink:

I wouldn't have thought so Nergal. I have tried in IE8 and Opera using both Piriform skin and IPBoard skin. Works okay for me all ways.

Anyone else using IE7 like login123 tried this?

Anyone else seeing this at all?

Why don't you update to IE 8? :huh:

Running with IE7 now, and I get the same thing trying to place an address in the "link" code box:

At least you know it isn't just you. But what?

Edit: The same happens with both forum skins.

Why don't you update to IE 8? :huh:

Aethec, I should do that. Will soon. Presently waiting for the bugs to get fixed. That habit has served me well dealing with Microsoft. I am sorry to be such a Luddite, but I don't have the skill or knowledge to work out the bugs myself. :)

Hazel & Dennis, thank you, it is a huge relief to know that the problem is not with old HAL here, but maybe some IE7 issue. I was just about to uninstall and reinstall IE7 when I read Dennis's post.

It might be something to do with the forum code here...?

Edit: Just tried it on another forum. Same thing happens. Copy/paste works, insert button does not.

But we did find out that the same thing happens in Opera and Firefox.

The workaround of simply pasting the code works OK.

IE8's bugs causing extreme slowness and other weird stuff have already be fixed :)

I'd bet the IPBoard developpers are aware of that bug but don't want to fix it since all IE7 users could update tom IE8.

IE8's bugs causing extreme slowness and other weird stuff have already be fixed :)

I'd bet the IPBoard developpers are aware of that bug but don't want to fix it since all IE7 users could update tom IE8.

I bet you're right about IPboard. You are certainly right about the known bugs in IE8. I should update.

Aahhrrgghhh, the pressure of progress on us old poots. 13.gif

Hate to post and run, but have to sign out now, I smell cooking. :-)

IE8's bugs causing extreme slowness and other weird stuff have already be fixed :)

I'd bet the IPBoard developpers are aware of that bug but don't want to fix it since all IE7 users could update tom IE8.

This thought came late. It seems significant that the same thing happens using Opera and Firefox. ???