I realize that the ultimate decision to delete a startup file entry lies with the user but if CCleaner could give a brief description of the function of each file. it would really help less knowledgeble users like myself. Some filenames are easy, some are cryptic. An internet search of these filenames sometimes give conflicting reports. For example, CCleaner listed cfmon.exe in my startup applications. Some websites say this is bad, others say its ok if its in the sytem directory. Since CCleaner has proven to be reliable, I would put more faith in its description if the program provided it. I would be interested in other opinions or suggestions on what is safe to delete or keep in the startup files.
Edit: Nevermind I misread and thought the .exe file read as ctfmon.exe, that's a whole different thing altogether.
As for figuring out what some files are you can also use ProcessLibrary.com.
Apologies for suggesting an alternate product here, but Startup Inspector gives you information on all known startup processes. Very easy to use for non-experts.