Clear Skype Call and Chat history

I'd like to suggest that CCleaner adds Skype as an application. CCleaner does not appear to clear call and chat history for Skype.

Hi do a search on this board for winapp2.ini and create one for yourself then share it with us in a post. P.S. there are many skype handling programs but am I to assume that you mean the skype branded program? (

If I get bored today I may play with it but I don't have an skype account so probably not

Hi Thumper,

This may help you out straight away if you don't already know this.

You can configure Skype in Tool\Options not to retain information.

Under Chat settings, select "Advanced Options". The screenshot explains it.

Under Privacy Settings, again select "Advance Options".

Hope this helps.

Hi - Skype does not appear to make it simple to add entries to the WINAPP2.INI file to clear its history.

And despite setting the latest Skype not to retain history - IT DOES retain some history from one session to the next! This history can be deleted manually through the Tools->Options->Privacy "CLEAR HISTORY" and "CLEAR COOKIES" buttons.

It would be great if CCLEANER could delete all the extraneous bits of history.

(Incidentally, there's another thread on this too:;show=&st=0)

