cleaning registry

I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium on my present computer.

When I'm using CCleaner to clean up the registry it seems to select far more entries than is safe.

I had to switch back to a previous restore point already a few times.

I did not have this problem under XP.

The problem relates most of the time to file extensions and type lib references.

Did anybody else experience this problem? Any solutions as I would like to continue to use CCleaner?

Thanks in advance.

You can disable the detection of Type Libraries by unticking in the registry cleaner Type Libraries.

For the file extensions, I don't know if this will help or not, however untick in the registry cleaner Unused File Extensions, then see if CCleaner's registry cleaner is still detecting what you've mentioned.

If the problem still persists you can input exclusions by going into Options->Exclude then click Add Registry. Problem with this is if you have many entries it will be very time consuming since the exclusions have to be manually inputted.

Dear Andavari,

I know I can disable the detection of type Libraries and unused file extensions. For the file extensions I did do this already. However, that does not change the fact that CCleaner makes mistakes in this area and therefore can not fully be used anymore to clean up your registry. I was hoping for a solution that would take care of the problem instead of taking care of the sympton. SHould I bring this up as a suggestion for a new release maybe?

Thanks for your answer, which at least confirmed that there seems to be a problem in this area.


MrG is looking into an issue which may be similar

Dear Hazelnut,

Thanks! I'll wait for the outcome.


Nico, Im currious why did you have to use system restore? Im running Vista Business x86. There are always going to be unused file extensions. Its an quirk in Vista. It seems any time you work with a file thats not associated with a program Vista will add the extension to the registry.

(In the attached screenshot I renamed a PRX file and it was added to the registry. Since PRX is not associated with any program, CC determined its an unused ext.)

I cant comment though on the Type Lib's. I normaly use the registry cleaner on a weekly basis and havent found any items in a long time.

I used system restore because my system did not work properly anymore after letting cc remove the type lib references.

In the past I also had problems when file extensions, that were actually used were removed from the registry, particularly with items refering to system maintenance etc. For instance the necessary link for using the performance check did not work anymore.

Aside from these problems I like the program.



I just cant understand why people want to clean registry ,having said that if you were to clean registry you have to back up your registry if anything goes wrong you can restore that option is provided in ccelaner in windows xp I dont know about vista correct me if I am wrong .I will clean the temporary cache rather than using registry cleaning with CCleaner its my personal opinion only.

Registry cleaning is really only needed after uninstalling programs. I do it regulary because I use Visual Studio and accumulate orphan registry items from various projects. Mostly file extensions though.

Honestly though, I've been using CC on Vista for a year and never had the registry cleaner cause any trouble.