Cleaning problem

I have been trying to clean old windows data for several days. It appears to be doing so but the percentage does not change. It is stuck on 30% and I have spent at least 72 almost continuous hours with CCleaner activated. Do I just continue and hope that ONE DAY CCleaner finally finishes the job or is something wrong? Thank you for a helpful response. I use the free CCleaner and am fanatically about keeping my laptop clean of all unnecessary rubbish.

Win8.1 recently upgraded to Win10

which beta build of Win10?

what version of CC?

along the top of CC, what stage/file is it showing it is 'stuck' at?

what's your AV?

I would stop it, start the PC in Safe Mode, see if CC runs to completion and if so, restart the PC normally, and run CC again and see how you go.

Internet Ex11.0.9600.1782

Win8.1 Sorry, I could have sworn Win10 was downloaded yesterday but if it was it shows me Win8.1

CCleaner V5.07526 (64 bit)

and I don't know what AV stands for.

Nor am sure how to open in safe mode.

Thanks for your reply. Shouldn't you be sleeping now?

Nah, it's only 7:15 in the evening here.

Plus it's Queensland - beautiful one day, perfect the next.

AV stands for anti-virus.

And since you are Windows 8, Safe Mode access has changed from the easy 'hit F8 during startup'.

So before we get into that, what is the stage CC says it's at when it gets stuck?

I have a sister who lives in Maleny, Queensland, near to Brisbane as you well know, but I live In Switzerland, so the time difference is very annoying for me when trying to contact her.

Anyway, CC doesn't get stuck as such, it is going through the motions of cleaning files but it doesn't even show the percentage now. It used to show 30% which stayed at 30% for days. So, all I can say is that it is definitely going through the files one by one but I have no idea at what stage the cleaning has arrived at - if at all. I only have it on Advanced - Old windows, everything else has been cleaned in the normal way. This will be at least the 4th day of cleaning Advanced Old windows and still there is no indication of where it is at in the process.

Today, I suddenly had a pop up which said that CC could clean something like 5 gigabytes, but the pop up disappeared before I could see it properly to remember exactly what it said to the end.

What size is your hard drive?

Have you ever run CC before, and done any maintenance before?

Those times you are quoting would come into play if 1) you have a really large capacity drive, 2) you never did anything to maintenance your drive, or 3) there is some background task (like your AV software) causing it to go slow.

For me, I would start the PC into Safe Mode; here is a guide to help you with that.

Myself, I use the method just over half way down, the MSCONFIG one.

Once you have it in Safe Mode, run CC again. The aim here is to have it running only for, say, 20'ish minutes on a 'dirty' PC.

Hopefully, once it completes in Safe Mode, when you start normally, it'll run lickity-split there as well.

I've spent a few Easter holidays in Maleny and the surround hinterlands, it's just over an hour from me. Very nice, green, relaxed part of the state.

Or try this...

After having a snooze, I came downstairs to find CC HAD cleaned off 100% the Old Windows files. 6,400 plus of them.

I am now presuming those were files that were left, after the many times I had restarted CC to see why the green line wasn't showing up. I knew CC was doing something but could not understand the 30% still showing up after 48 hours of continuous working , plus no green line. Thanks to you for coming to my aid. It appears that CC was working all the time. But - hell - it sure took a long time to get rid of the Old windows junk. I am a regular user of CC - like every two days or so, so I know that CC was only having to clean up the Advanced Old Windows files. I have applied for Windows10, so it will be interesting to see how long CC takes to get rid of Win8.1.

Daft as it sounds, I thought Win10 downloaded itself yesterday, because I have a new front page of many colours. So I was quite surprised to see my old Win8.1 still there when mta asked me the question.

I have used CCleaner for all the years it has been in the public arena. I also have another cleaner which I am told spies on me. Needless to say, I am not keen on that idea but it is also very effective and I cannot imagine it gets much joy in spying on my puny use of the internet. heheheheh. Cheers

And if you don't want those CC pop-ups, you may have Monitoring still enabled.

To check, or to turn off, go to Options, Monitoring. Untick all boxes if you want no annoyances.

Glad CC finally came through for you, and a belated Welcome to the forums.