Cleaning Out Old CCleaner Files (Supposedly Uninstalled)

Want to put CCleaner Free on wife's PC to try, but cannot get it to complete download process(Windows 7). Get as far as the bottom window asking if we want to Save or Open but nothing happens when cliked on (either instruction).

She seldom uses her PC and at one time she says she had CC on it, but thinks she 'uninstalled' it. I suspect there are residual files that did not get removed.

Is there a program to clean out any residual CCleaner files that may be causing the inability to reinstall or thoughts as to why we can't install?

hello dont,

residual CCleaner files that may be causing the inability to reinstall or thoughts as to why we can't install?

i dont think that old ccleaner files prevent a new install of ccleaner...

but if you think so --> delete the remaining install-folder (probably on your windows drive C: )

Want to put CCleaner Free on wife's PC to try, but cannot get it to complete download process(Windows 7). Get as far as the bottom window asking if we want to Save or Open but nothing happens when cliked on (either instruction).

please try the download again:

Same story.

I have to clik the green 'start download' box to initiate the download, does not start on its own (it appears to be downloading, the HD activity light comes on and shows it is working).

The small bottom window that asks Save or Open finally appears. When Open is cliked the button hue changes from white to light blue.

But, nothing happens. There is no download (chked Downloads file).

Ran a file search on cc and pir to see what might show up but no files anywhere related to the CCleaner program.

I've not had a problem with a couple of other programs I installed that operate in a similar manner.

Baffled. Totally baffled.

Don't click Save.

When you click 'open' file instead of save, the file is stored in C:\Users\<your username>\appdata\local\temp