Cleaning Multipul Profiles

I love CCleaner but as a system admin i can see some great benefits for multipul user systems.

I am really after for some sort of multipul profile cleaning mechanisim with all the functions of CCleaner. As an administrator of Several terminal server's it would be a great asset for me to be able to clear all profiles on the server of tempory internet and other uless files that take up valuable space in one clean sweap.

Is this feature planed to be released in future releases of CCleaner.

Thanks in Advance.

I could not agree more! CCleaner is an outstanding program, and it would be SO nice if there was a simple checkbox in the Advanced Options that would allow CCleaner to operate on all profiles found on the computer. This way the user would have a choice, whether to clean only the current profile, or all profiles found.

As a sidenote, there is one free program that does clean all profiles at once, but it is inferior to CCleaner, and only looks for temporary files. It won't check for problems with the registry, invalid shortcuts, etc. You can get it at:

I would love to use CCleaner exclusively, and would love to see the feature of cleaning all profiles in one step.

Thank you!


Thanks for that quite helpful but it still only appears to clean the temp internet files of the current loged in user. At least i can clear out all the temp files.

Try EasyCleaner:

But don't do the Duplicates scan, it can create big problems.

Thank you! I had used EasyCleaner before, but never paid attention to whether or not it automatically cleans multiple profiles. I will have to look into that. I found the latest version (with blacklist 7) at

I still think CCleaner is easier to use, but EasyCleaner is definitely a very nice program.

Ok all Im still in the hunt for a program capiable of clearing multipul user profiles on a Terminal Server enviroment anyone got any ideas or recomendations?

Ok all Im still in the hunt for a program capiable of clearing multipul user profiles on a Terminal Server enviroment anyone got any ideas or recomendations?

Another nice program worth considering is SuperCleaner, it can be found here;

SuperCleaner Website

It will clean all user's profiles. It can be configured to run automatically on startup.