Cleaning Multi User systems

I have been using CCleaner for awhile now and I very much like it.

Although there is one thing that I would like to see included in it. Recently at my work (a university) we have been hit pretty bad by a few viruses. One of the things that I like to do after removing said virus is to make sure that all temp files, temporary internet files, etc. are all removed.

Now CCleaner works great on the prof systems and any other single user machines, but on some of the shared lab machines there are many users. It is a very daunting task to remove the temporary internet files for all of the users manually when there are more than 40 there.

I know that there are other tools out there that are capable of this so I would love to see the option to select which user accounts you want it to clean. It would also make things much easier for me to remotely clean some of the machines as well.

So really just the addition of being able to detect and choose multiple users accounts on the same system would be great.

You might like to have a read here in case it can help

I have looked at that before and it does look like something that could help.

But I am more concerned with being able to go to a system and run ccleaner locally to clean all of the user accounts. Since we have lab machines that already have many users logged on and they may not log on again for awhile. I don't want to rely on them logging in to clean it.

But thanks for the link.

I have the same request, the possibility to clean the computer for all users from one (administrator's) account.

I need to keep one computer, with several users having their own passwords, clean.

Cannot rely on each user cleaning at a regular basis because of lack of knowledge and interest.

The explanation at the provided link seems to be about networks and is rather beyond me.

Again I agree as well, I know there are workarounds like auto runs on accounts, but an admin account should have access to cleaning it all.

other freeware cleaners do it and i've never had issues on multi-user systems.

ipaine and fireryone mention other cleaner software

can anyone give suggestions?

I prefer not to mention/link to the other competitor products.