Cleaning junk files

All kinds of weird things have been going on with my computer lately - hang-ups; shut-downs (in programs, Internet Explorer & Windows); low virtual memory messages, etc. I'm running Windows XP 3rd edition. I'm in the process of 'housecleaning' and have run every maintenance program I own. At present, I'm in RevoUninstaller, which I just recently obtained. I never paid any attention to 'junk files' before - I guess I just assumed that my other clean-up programs would automatically tend to them - but this program lists them individually (and, there's a LOAD!), and wants you to say 'yea' or 'nay' before deleting them. What pressure! I feel like the princess who has to clean the frig 'cause it's the cook's day off! I have no idea what to expect if I delete them. For instance, I do a lot of graphic stuff and have many pictures & clip-art on my computer. Viewing the thumbnails makes my work go much quicker. If I were to tell RevoUninstaller to delete the thumbs.db files, would I, in essence, be disabling my ability to use the 'view thumbnails' option in my folders? And, is deleting the junk files even that important in the whole scheme of things? I appreciate your time and thank you for any advice.

You can get rid of all your thumbs.db files without noticing the slightest effect. I have 'Do not cache thumbnails' ticked in my folder view options, so they ate never created in the first place. I think they are just annoying, the amount of space they take up is negligible.

I do a lot of graphic stuff and have many pictures & clip-art on my computer. Viewing the thumbnails makes my work go much quicker.

If that's the case, I wouldn't delete the thumbnail files. If you did, don't worry, they'll rebuild each time you access those pics again.

Remember to back up your system with System Restore before deleting any unknown stuff.

You can get rid of all your thumbs.db files without noticing the slightest effect. I have 'Do not cache thumbnails' ticked in my folder view options, so they ate never created in the first place. I think they are just annoying, the amount of space they take up is negligible.

Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate your help but think I will take Corona's advice and not mess with them. I prefer not to take a chance on causing myself more computer headaches since I've been batting 1000 in that area, lately, already. When I saw those junk files, I thought they may have contributed to my problems but, after searching the web for hints on my particular troubles, I'm more and more convinced that AVG is my culprit. Thanks, again, though.

If that's the case, I wouldn't delete the thumbnail files. If you did, don't worry, they'll rebuild each time you access those pics again.

Remember to back up your system with System Restore before deleting any unknown stuff.

Thanks for the good advice. I think I will let them just stay where they are - especially since I saw that they don't take up that much space. And, your caution about the System Restore kinda' got me. I assumed that any files that a cleaning program considered 'junk' would be 'ok' to delete without causing problems. Guess I'm just too gullible - which could be the root of all my problems!

Really appreciate your advice & quick reply. Thanks, again.

Guess I'm just too gullible - which could be the root of all my problems!

Really appreciate your advice & quick reply. Thanks, again.

You're just the opposite of being gullible. Gullible people get themselves into the s**t first, and then look for advice as to how to extricate themselves from it.

You asked for advice first, which is pretty damned sensible. Stick with that sensible attitude, and you won't go far wrong.

And, your caution about the System Restore kinda' got me.

While you're at it grab the freeware ERUNT registry backup and restore program too. It can literally save your backside countless times if and/or when System Restore fails to restore your system to a previous state well it can restore the Windows Registry at least which in many cases is all that needs to be restored.