Cleaner v2.19.900 error

I Use ccleaner an update ccleaner the same day the newest one is released. With this version I have had an error V2.19.899 worked fine but now since i tried v2.19.900 I get this error message...

RunDll32.exe - Ordinal Not Found

The ordinal 237 could not be located in the dynamic link library IEFRAME.dll

You Click OK (Next error)


Error loading InetCpl.cpl

The operating system could run %1.

Both messages will pop up three times till they stop popping up every time you run cleaner

I don't know if this is even related however if you had a malware infection that's active, or recently cleaned it could've caused issues so if that's the case I'd recommend following this guide.

If that's not the issue and you use a version of Windows no newer than XP (don't use it in Vista or newer though) you could give Dial-a-fix a whirl as it can fix some of what you've mentioned or maybe all of it.

unclick recently typed uels and autocomplete form history

unclick recently typed uels and autocomplete form history

uh dude. . . read the dates on the post you tried to answer and the version of ccleaner mentioned ;) next time answer new questions :) and welcome
