Hi there.......I have a q question....does the Cleaner Utility of CC only deletes the junk/temp & not imp files etc......is it safe to use it on a fresh install.........how often should cleaner utilty be used?
How can one restore/import back/inject a registry back up after using the the registry cleaning utility..........is that safe too to use after a fresh OS install?
I get almost 40 MB of temp files on when I run cleaner on a vista startup before any applications are opened or start browsing...........is that normal?
Hi there.......I have a q question....does the Cleaner Utility of CC only deletes the junk/temp & not imp files etc......is it safe to use it on a fresh install.........how often should cleaner utilty be used?
How can one restore/import back/inject a registry back up after using the the registry cleaning utility..........is that safe too to use after a fresh OS install?
I get almost 40 MB of temp files on when I run cleaner on a vista startup before any applications are opened or start browsing...........is that normal?
CCleaner would be the first(excluding an AV) application to install on a fresh os. There are no limits on how many times ccleaner should be run. I myself can be running it 20+ times a day. It's down to you. For the general user i would just suggest let it run at startup and never have to touch it again. Use it to which it suits you best.
Don't be lead down the road where people clean the registry religiously daily. The only time i would use it is after i uninstalled an application. Always back up (You might also be interested in installing ERUNT which is a great utility that backs up the registry on start up) and if you need to restore. Go to the location where you saved the reg file. I think default location is C:\Program Files\CCleaner (i find that strange) right click, and select merge from the context menu.
I get almost 40 MB of temp files on when I run cleaner on a vista startup before any applications are opened or start browsing...........is that normal?
That could well be your browser's temporary internet files from the previous session.
CCleaner would be the first(excluding an AV) application to install on a fresh os. There are no limits on how many times ccleaner should be run. I myself can be running it 20+ times a day. It's down to you. For the general user i would just suggest let it run at startup and never have to touch it again. Use it to which it suits you best.
Don't be lead down the road where people clean the registry religiously daily. The only time i would use it is after i uninstalled an application. Always back up (You might also be interested in installing ERUNT which is a great utility that backs up the registry on start up) and if you need to restore. Go to the location where you saved the reg file. I think default location is C:\Program Files\CCleaner (i find that strange) right click, and select merge from the context menu.
Thanks......using CC on startup really helps on my Vista machine.......deletes those temp files on startup amounting to approx 20 plus MB........ERUNT is great I agree......can the back up folder be created some where else besides C:Windows>ERUNT..........cause each time I give it a different path it than goes to default auto back up folder i.e in windows.......by right clicking the reg saved automatically merges......??..........or do I have to use regedit to import.........or ERUNT......sorry about my simple queries do realize im new to this software world.
can the back up folder be created some where else besides C:Windows>ERUNT..........cause each time I give it a different path it than goes to default auto back up folder i.e in windows.......by right clicking the reg saved automatically merges......??..........or do I have to use regedit to import.........or ERUNT......sorry about my simple queries do realize im new to this software world.
If you right click the reg file a context menu appears. Select "merge" (this is with ccleaner)
ERUNT, not sure. never bothered trying to change the default location since iv never needed to use it. Just let it do its thing and hopefully you will never need to use it.
How ever once in a while check it and remove old backups. I checked it after a year and it was around 9gb of backups that i dont need.
ERUNT is great I agree......can the back up folder be created some where else besides C:Windows>ERUNT..........cause each time I give it a different path it than goes to default auto back up folder i.e in windows
I think you can put the ERUNT backup folder in different positions - even on different drives.
ERUNT backups are no good in an emergency if you cannot access them,
and I seem to recall that when Windows goes belly up you may need to use the Recovery Console,
and this greatly restricts what folders (or drives) can be accessed.
. I checked it after a year and it was around 9gb of backups that i dont need.
You can configure it to delete backups after however many days you choose.
I have mine set to keep a "rolling" back up of the previous 3 days. You may already know this, but I'll post the how-to for the benefit of those that don't.
If you have ERUNT running at startup to make a daily copy of the registry, right click the "ERUNT AutoBackup" shortcut in the "Start\All Programs\Startup" folder, select "Properties", and insert the following into the "Target" window.
You can configure it to delete backups after however many days you choose.
I have mine set to keep a "rolling" back up of the previous 3 days. You may already know this, but I'll post the how-to for the benefit of those that don't.
If you have ERUNT running at startup to make a daily copy of the registry, right click the "ERUNT AutoBackup" shortcut in the "Start\All Programs\Startup" folder, select "Properties", and insert the following into the "Target" window.
You can copy and paste this, making sure you catch the quote mark at the start of the line.
Change the "days:3" to whatever you decide, and then you can run it and forget about it.
What am I doing wrong?
Followed Dennis's instructions, copied and set for 5 days, pasted. Deleted all but 4 dates. Number of backups continue to accumulate daily - now at 7. OS Vista 32.
My paste ➜ "C:\Program Files\ERUNT\AUTOBACK.EXE" %SystemRoot%\ERDNT\AutoBackup\#Date# /noconfirmdelete /noprogresswindow /days:5
Yes. To make sure the programs are executed with proper administrative privileges, you should however turn off User Account Control in Vista’s system settings.
EDIT: Probably a daft question but did you empty the box of all text before you copied and pasted. I maybe should have suggested just adding/altering the "days" switch, in case someone did that.
I don't use UAC. Original box text was highlighted before overwrite, text rechecked several times after discovering failure. I should have copied original command line text to notes for later retrieval. Too late now, unless some kind soul can post it, please.
I think the original text was what you have minus the "days" switch, but I would hope at least one of the ERUNT users running Vista could confirm that it works for them, as I cannot see anything wrong with the pasted text.
It would be nice to solve it rather than give up on it.
I use ERUNT Autobackup on Vista Home Premium 32bit OS w/SP2. I have mine set up in Windows Task Scheduler. I have it set to 7 days of auto backups and it works perfectly. When setting it up thru Task Scheduler, it doesn't matter which user logs onto the system. It will automatically create a registry back up first thing when the computer is turned on for the first time that day. If I'm not mistaken, the ERUNT docs. state that it must be set up in Scheduler to get around UAC. I'm not sure if you must Task Scheduler if you don't use UAC. But I do know it works when initiated thru Task Scheduler.
Click on the first link in This Link by Jamin4u for step by step directions. The only thing you will need to add is the days:?(substitute the number of days you want for the ?)to the arguments line. Just click in the box, arrow to the end and add the days:? argument.
Click on the first link in This Post by Jamin4u for step by step directions.
godawgs, you're link gets ➜
"Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.
The error returned was:
Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again."
"Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.
The error returned was:
Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again."
Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I did read the help files, before posting, and I know why I got the error. It was a simple error in putting data in the link box. It's working now.
Thanks all for the help and links. It seemed to be such a bother for a trivial thing, so I decided to just let the files build and delete some every so often. Have plenty of empty space on C: