I am a first time user, how do I backup, restore my registry in Win7
Is it good to remove last 3 files in Analysis,
I am a first time user, how do I backup, restore my registry in Win7
Is it good to remove last 3 files in Analysis,
Reader 9.0 is only removing search cache file
Windows Defender is removing Scan History Results
it's up to you whether you want to do this or not but it is perfectly safe.
as for registry are you asking how to completly back it up? or just what you remove via ccleaner's registry section? (Please see my signature)
Reader 9.0 is only removing search cache file
Windows Defender is removing Scan History Results
it's up to you whether you want to do this or not but it is perfectly safe.
as for registry are you asking how to completly back it up? or just what you remove via ccleaner's registry section? (Please see my signature)
Thanks I have so many mising shared DLL's in registry, Notebook 5 months old
I have uninstalled MS Office 2007 & installed MS Office 2010.
Is this possible,there are other errors too, may be a 100 in total.
Is it OK to delete Windows log files. Is there a Virus in my Notebook.
Windows error logs, I tend not to ccleaner them but again it is really up to the individual user
My advice for Registry stands at "if you don't know what it is, google it or leave it be"
I have many registry entries listed in my ccleaner but i only remove the things attached to items I know I have removed (i.e. I uninstalled silverlight, there are still reg entries, I remove them)
How would we know if there was a virus on your machine???
Windows error logs, I tend not to ccleaner them but again it is really up to the individual user
My advice for Registry stands at "if you don't know what it is, google it or leave it be"
I have many registry entries listed in my ccleaner but i only remove the things attached to items I know I have removed (i.e. I uninstalled silverlight, there are still reg entries, I remove them)
How would we know if there was a virus on your machine???
What are dat, mft files.
Could you have explanation of registry cleaner selections in FAQ.Does CCleaner backs registry auto to my documents by default if Registry is edited.Contradiction in info to restore Registry, double click or right click merge.
Disk cleanup in win7 different to CCleaner stats. Is my registry.txt OK for CCleaner to clean.registry.txt
Is it possible to have auto alert if new post to my thread.
Is it possible to have auto alert if new post to my thread.
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Honestly, I'd say if you don't know what you are doing with the registry don't clean it at all, it's really not nessecary. That said I gave a cursory look at the regstrity text you gave and
those should be fine to remove if you've installed .net 2,3 and/or 4
those should be fine to remove as they point to files in the temp folder which probably no longer exist
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\3.0.40624.0 c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\4.0.50524.0
Those should be fine to remove if you've updated your silverlight to 4.0.51
Obsolete software key AnvSoft HKCU\Software\AnvSoft
Only remove if you've uninstalled http://www.anvsoft.com/
Obsolete software key Symantec HKLM\Software\Symantec ISearch - {47A7A4B0-2723-41BA-865E-EBBB7081A602} HKCR\Interface\{2CE4D4CF-B278-4126-AD1E-B622DA2E8339} Missing TypeLib Reference IRowCursor - {5E9E78A0-531B-11CF-91F6-C2863C385E30} HKCR\Interface\{9F6AA700-D188-11CD-AD48-00AA003C9CB6} Missing TypeLib Reference IDisplayConnection - {FDA06D2C-7BA7-49E5-BF9A-3D4C4BBEDA86}
Only remove if you no longer run Symantec or Norton as your antivirus
C:\Program Files (x86)\Realtek WLAN Driver\X64
only remove if you no longer have a realtek wireless network card (probably built into the machine's motherboard)
Thanks, where is Tips section.
Backing up the registry, so to speak, can be done by creating a system resotre point or using tools like ERUNT to create a backup.
I have never seen the registry hives shrink (and the disc free space increase) as a result of cleaning the registry.
It is better not to clean a registry item if you do not know the consequences.
If you do clean the registry then for maximum safety the backups should include all three of :-
1. ERUNT Backup - If you cannot boot up then ERUNT may save you from calling in a repair shop;
2. Windows System Restore Point - Includes files as well as registry, but may be less helpful sometimes;
3. CCleaner backup of the registry items that it cleans.
Item 3 may be all you need to recover from a problem,
but sometimes Windows is unable to merge or restore such backups and you need either 1 or 2.
After Cleaning the registry you may think all is well, and then you may use the P.C. normally for some weeks, and possibly upgrade or replace or remove some applications. Then you may run an application you have not needed for some time and it crashes. Now you have found the reason for that registry key that you removed ! ! !
With luck the CCleaner key backup will make everything good again, and you have learnt a lesson.
Incidentally "double click" and "right click merge" are different ways of doing the same thing on a healthy P.C.,
but some P.C.s when unhealthy may only work by one of the two ways (and sometimes none of them).
Otherwise :-
The Windows System Restore should put everything back as it was,
which means the old applications are restored and the upgrades/replacements and licenses are wiped out.
The old ERUNT backup will put the registry back exactly as it was,
and it will now be horribly out of sync so the application upgrades / replacements will be broken.
Thanks, where is Tips section. I want to download ERUNT.
Will be useful to me, altho' I have decided not to clean Registry.
Click on the ERUNT download button. The installer also contains NTREGOPT which compacts your registry. Always create an ERUNT backup if you are going to use NTREGOPT because if you registry becomes corrupted if will save you a lot of time. Be aware that as you're running Windows 7 you will have to turn off UAC to make ERUNT work properly.
Question: Do ERUNT and NTREGOPT run on Windows 7?Answer: ERUNT and NTREGOPT in their current versions 1.1j are still compatible with Windows 7, but as in Vista, they will only work correctly if you turn off User Account Control in Windows' Control Panel (move the slider to the lowest position).
Also, a problem has been discovered which on many systems causes ERDNT and NTREGOPT to display a "RegSaveKey: 3" error when optimizing / restoring the BCD00000000 hive. The cause is that after a clean install of Windows 7, the BCD part of the registry which contains Windows' boot configuration data resides on a hidden system partition with no drive letter assigned in Explorer. You can simply ignore this error and continue, or as a workaround, open Disk Managemant in Control Panel and right-click on the partition displayed as "System Reserved" to assign a drive letter.
Future versions of ERUNT and NTREGOPT will of course have these issues fixed. Keep an eye on my homepage for updates.
Thanks, downloaded zip version, I suppose it is portable too.
?? What is a tips section?
Thanks, where is Tips section.
Tips? section -- if you are seeking information / instructions / documentation, it is here.
Thanks !!!