cleaner operation analyze function

trying ccleaner out for the first time on win 98. ran analyze function and get no items. this doesn't seem right to me. can anyone clue me in or am i just being stupid. the applications scan shows many items soo.....???


Does the 'Run Cleaner' function itself work?

If neither function works make sure you have installed what's detailed in this thread. If that doesn't work you may need to restart Windows after the CCleaner installation.

Another possibility is that you'll have to uninstall CCleaner, then reboot. Then install CCleaner and reboot.

Does the 'Run Cleaner' function itself work?

If neither function works make sure you have installed what's detailed in this thread. If that doesn't work you may need to restart Windows after the CCleaner installation.

Another possibility is that you'll have to uninstall CCleaner, then reboot. Then install CCleaner and reboot.


I, too, observe this problem of 'failure to analyze'. In my case it occurs when only one item is selected in the Windows cleaning tool - Temporary Internet Files.

I have uninstalled it and that briefly allows the correct functioning as will a reboot.

I do hope this 'bug' is fixed for I rate CCleaner very highly.

I do know of a problem caused by the (careless?) use of the Registry Cleaner on a system with MSWord installed. The loss of three registry keys rendered Word inoperable. These:


@="D:\\Officeb2tr\\OFFICE11\\MSPUB.EXE /IMG_STI /StiDevice:%1 /StiEvent:%2"


@="D:\\Officeb2tr\\OFFICE11\\MSPUB.EXE /IMG_WIA"





@="D:\\Officeb2tr\\OFFICE11\\MSPUB.EXE /IMG_STI /StiDevice:%1 /StiEvent:%2"


@="D:\\Officeb2tr\\OFFICE11\\MSPUB.EXE /IMG_WIA"





MSPUB.EXE is Microsoft Publisher and it has nothing to do with Word, and their settings are stored differently. Whatsmore if you allow MS Office to store the setup files on the hard disk it can easily be repaired in a matter of minutes - sometimes without even rebooting.

MSPUB.EXE is Microsoft Publisher and it has nothing to do with Word, and their settings are stored differently. Whatsmore if you allow MS Office to store the setup files on the hard disk it can easily be repaired in a matter of minutes - sometimes without even rebooting.


Thanks for the info. My informant was a bit vague, or so I thought. I have no experience with any of the programs you mention.

Reading this bug reporting forum though does make me unsure - so many issues.

I think I shall continue with PurgeIE and let CCleaner pass into history.

Thanks for the info. My informant was a bit vague, or so I thought. I have no experience with any of the programs you mention.

Reading this bug reporting forum though does make me unsure - so many issues.

I think I shall continue with PurgeIE and let CCleaner pass into history.


im sorry, but you will be missing out my friend


Just unselect Office in the Cleaner Settings. CCleaner then won't clean any part of MS Office.