Cleaner for MS Paint not working


I'm using CCleaner on MS Windows 8 64-bit.

The problem I have is that it doesn't recognize the history of some programs when analyzing for data. MS Paint isn't listed for instance, even though it's checked in the list. The problems also occurs with Adobe Reader 11.0. No result and history (or recent files) are present.

Maybe this is a specific problem with a x64 machine? Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a way to fix it without waiting for the next update?

Thanks for any help or information regarding that problem.

WFM on Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64

Please make sure you've ticked the MS Paint box under Applications - Windows

Please make sure you've ticked the MS Paint box under Applications - Windows

MS Paint is still not working.

But Adobe Reader does, yet only if I tick the box for "Adobe Acrobat XI", not "Adobe Reader 11.0".

Make sure Paint is closed while running CCleaner.

Of course I checked that.

Problem still persists with version 4.02.4115.

I have has a look at this in Win 8 and have found some inconsistencies as to when Windows actually saved any info.

I used mspaint in 2 ways.

1 Taking an auto screenshot by holding down the windows flag key and tapping the Print Screen key (this auto saves it in a folder called screenshots in Pictures)

2. Doing the above but then opening Paint and pasting the screenie in and renaming it.

Then I looked in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Applets\paint\RecentFileList...nothing there. In fact no RecentFileList at all.

I kept opening and shutting things, taking screenshots, doing an analyse in CCleaner etc.

At one stage I did get this list shown in the CCleaner screenshot. I looked in regedit and they were listed in RecentFilesList :o

I did a clean with CCleaner and they were gone from regedit :)

However I haven't yet figured out what combination of things has to be done to get the RecentFileList to populate for CCleaner to see it.

Hopefully someone else can give some clues.


However I haven't yet figured out what combination of things has to be done to get the RecentFileList to populate for CCleaner to see it.

I've never had RegKeys show up in the summary when I analyze or clean. They are cleaned but not shown.

(idk if this is what's happening?)