I want to exclude all favicon.ico files in the Temporary Internet Files folder from deletion.
But, when I go to Options / Exclude / Add File and drill down to Temporary Internet Files, and choose it, it doesn't show the files. Rather, it chooses the entire *folder* to exclude. This is inconsistent with what the option, "Exclude / Add FILE", says it will do. Temporary Internet Files is just another folder, so why are we allowed to only exclude cookies from deletion?
I know the workaround is to move the favicons.ico files to another folder. But I don't want to have to do that every time I visit a website.
But I see now why I want to use AM-DeadLink. Websites download their ICO file even if you don't bookmark the site. This means if you tell CCleaner not to delete ICO files, you'll have not only icons from sites that you do want, but also icons from sites that you don't want. Which defeats the purpose of "cleaning your tracks". AM-DeadLink, of course, only saves icons from the sites in Favorites.