Cleaner does not remove what it says needs to be removed.

When I ran CCleaner it said that 398.4 MB needed to be removed. It only removed 35.2 MB's. Why????? William Irvine

email address removed to avoid spamming

You don't need to post your email and it's not a great idea.

From what you have posted no one can answer your question. You need to give more information.

what was Annalise to be removed

what was removed

When I ran CCleaner it said that 398.4 MB needed to be removed. It only removed 35.2 MB's. Why?????

Possibly locked/in use files, etc. Sometimes when files are locked/in use and can't be removed simply rebooting then running CCleaner again after the restart may enable the ability to remove the files.

Like already mentioned you need to provide more information, such as:

1. Post a screenshot of CCleaner's window after you've clicked the 'Analyze' button.

2. Post a screenshot of CCleaner's window after you've clicked the 'Run Cleaner' button.

Possibly locked/in use files, etc. Sometimes when files are locked/in use and can't be removed simply rebooting then running CCleaner again after the restart may enable the ability to remove the files.

Like already mentioned you need to provide more information, such as:

1. Post a screenshot of CCleaner's window after you've clicked the 'Analyze' button.

2. Post a screenshot of CCleaner's window after you've clicked the 'Run Cleaner' button.

Additionally, if you are running SFX programs created by Win Rar, they will extract to the temp dir, & auto remove (cleanup) files & folders after they are closed. Did you by chance have open programs running & then close them that used SFX capabilities?

This would help explain the "disappearing" temp files. Additionally, a before & after screenshot would also help greatly, as like the previous user stated, it is also possible to encounter locked system files. Perhaps your index.dat files are really huge & have never been cleaned before? These are only removed on reboot!