Please make this an option "Clean registry when use autostartup" ("C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO)
It would be a very useful option!
Please make this an option "Clean registry when use autostartup" ("C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO)
It would be a very useful option!
Too much reckless enthusiasm and a vital key is accidentally trashed.
This gives the benefit of learning to use the Repair Console to restore the system to yesterdays working state,
and then reboot and whoops we do it again and again.
I almost did not understand from written by you. Translator from Google fails ...
if you write about the vital key that can be accidentally deleted. On my system, this does not happen. Maybe we should make this an option? Everyone will be able to choose for themselves to use it or not.
Please don't make CCleaner as a new system repair tool!
To use the registry option together with the /AUTO cleaning feature would only give CCleaner a bad name.
The Chance for get failures by this are bigger than the good it make in the long run.
I'm sorry, but have to vote no for it
Sorry I did not allow for Google failing on my sense of humour.
Seriously, CCleaner is the safest tool I know for selecting and removing files and registry keys,
but mistakes are always possible.
Other Registry Cleaners may be prepared to takes risks with MY registry, which is why I do not use them.
I am one of many people that use and trust CCleaner because it takes fewer risks.
I am in the subset that know less than the Piriform developers but prefer to independently assess the items chosen for selection,
and consider whether they affect some aspect of my computer which is special to me.
Therefore at the end of the day I will run CCleaner in /AUTO /SHUTDOWN mode but ONLY with a profile that deletes Firefox Caches.
Other profiles which clean anything else have my full attention with Analyse, think about it, and then Clean.
I am able to respect those who are happy to use /AUTO for cleaning files,
but I pity the prospects of anyone who lets a registry cleaner perform unsupervised damage on the registry.
Please remember that although you see no evidence of vital keys being removed thus far,
in the future CCleaner may clean a little deeper (which is why people are eager for updates),
and your vital keys might now be included.
Even if you stick with the existing version of CCleaner,
when you install a new application that probably changes the registry and your new and vital registry key could be deleted.
Ok, I understand it! I hope that in future there will be some modification (version) of my suggestions
I think i unterstand what you writin but i iw ish for me also such a option to let him clean also the registry.
Greetings Gongedulations