Chrome will silently auto-update flash player.

Info here

Some people might not like this, liking to be asked about such things first.

Flash even updates?

That is just wrong. I like to know about every thing that goes on. I don't allow any thing to check for updates. Let alone just do it.

Flash even updates?

That is just wrong. I like to know about every thing that goes on. I don't allow any thing to check for updates. Let alone just do it.

Please tell me this was ironic. :o


Since so many sites utilize Adobe Flash Player I wouldn't mind that at all myself, it would actually save me the trouble of removing the old version then installing the new one. However since I use Firefox it's still the manual route.

wonder if even updating they also instll again the adobe download manager?

From what I understand Chrome will be coming with it's own install of Flash. It's that version that will be updated with Chrome. The regular installed version of Flash that you already use will not be touched.

You can enable this in the developer version of Chrome now by using a command line switch.

... it would actually save me the trouble of removing the old version then installing the new one.

You don't need to remove the Flash Player plugin (Firefox, Chrome, ...) before installing the new one. The ActiveX for Internet Explorer should be uninstalled however, as the installer does not always remove the old OCX version.